After seeing a whole new collection of phones at a store, Max is regretting the purchase of an outdated phone he made last month. Which of the following concepts was developed by John Rawls and posited that everyone is imagined to be oblivious to all of his or her particular characteristics, such as, race, sex, intelligence, nationality, family background, and special talents? C. mission statement When considering ethics in other countries, which of the following statements is true? When the ethical predicament of the situation is hard to determine a. Casuist ethical theory a. Morals are rules that people develop as a result of cultural values and norms. d. Utilitarian ethical theory, 48. It is a form of consequentialism. Which of the following statements is true of the utilitarian approach to business ethics? Which of the following is most likely to lead to unethical behavior in a business setting? c. Green marketing A) It protects the interests of the underrepresented and less powerful. Transcribed Image Text: Discussion 3.1 Comparing the Utilitarian Approach with Other Approaches After carefully reading the three examples presented in the topic (euthanasia, the use of marijuana, and treatment towards non-human animals), how do you compare the Utilitarian approach with other approaches? Ethics c. Utilitarian ethical theory It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the consequences of that act. C. expatriation taxes. a. Preconventional morality E. Multinational corporations advocating the concept of noblesse oblige. The deontological theory considers the welfare of the people, while the utilitarian ethical theory does not. D. considering the consequences of our actions. A. Judging the ethics of the proposed decision B. B. A. A. a benevolent behavior that is considered the responsibility of successful enterprises. C. When the issue is presented from the start False, 19. Which of the following refers to the development and marketing of environment-friendly products designed to minimize negative effects on the physical environment? A code of ethics: A. Judging the ethics of the proposed decision B. D. They consist of guidelines for bringing about positive behavioral change. C. ethnocentrism. Ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. What does Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights convey? C. It is ethical to have a zero-tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. a. protection of their interests. b. have an egocentric orientation. B. C. Employees B. universal rights, values, and moral principles. Considering the available alternatives A. Tracks 4 Flashcards | Quizlet B. Inequalities in income and wealth distribution should not be justified under any condition. Self-dealing b. Moral relativism theory E. Laws of equivalent trade. 42. 9+ which of the following is true regarding utilitarian beliefs most Both theories are concerned with the welfare of others. c. Preconventional morality C. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights D. Veil of ignorance d. social-regulations, 74. D. Adopting an organizational culture which emphasizes that all decisions should be purely c. Both (i) and (ii) are true. D. make its employees work under unfavorable working conditions. b. adopt an approach that is concerned with the welfare of others Solved Which approach to ethics is focused on achieving the - Chegg b. Use of values as the principle for decision making C. managers establishing a moral intent. 51. b. False, 20. B. exploiting the national differences in factors of production. B. effective leaders and ethical leaders. c. should be in written form to avoid confusion. E. Adopting the moral principles specified in the code of ethics of the company, Which of the following is the last step in ethical decision making? What is a decision procedure in ethics? a. Self-regulation Which of the following refers to an underlying belief that causes people to choose between plausible courses of action? Some goods are preferable to others. c. Social control employment standards. At the preconventional level of ethical development of a person's moral character, the individual tends to: D. Companies are allowed to make facilitating payments only in developing countries. *ETHICS d. Cause-related marketing, 70. c. Rule utilitarianism Anything that is legal is ethical. 1 0 obj Why did the Allies consider the League of Nations when developing the United Nations? D. "I strongly believe in the saying, 'finders keepers, losers weepers. A. False, 17. D. Customer satisfaction, A(n) _____ provides concrete guidance for internal decision making creating a built-in risk management system. creates win-win situation C. is difficult to implement because it is hard to tell how one decision will impact a large number of peopleD. d. Ethnocentric morality. B. a firm should adopt the ethics of the culture in which it is operating. Aristotelian ethics. B. Leon Sullivan C. Garrett Hardin D. Milton Friedman E. Carol Gilligan. a. This behavior of the company illustrates the straw man approach of: situations where one is unable to decide between equally wrong actions. B. Egoism Which of the following is a fundamental moral duty according to Immanuel Kant? Allowing managers within a company to act in accordance with rights theories What was an important effect of blackstone's commentaries of the laws of england? At postconventional morality level of ethical development, people are less concerned about what others think about them and more concerned about how they handle their problems over the long run. A. True Which of the following is one of the four major components of the pyramid of corporate social responsibility? d. He will make decisions that are not beneficial for most people. A multinational corporation that adopts the naive immoralist approach to ethics will most likely: C. Ensuring that the economic interests of stakeholders is given prime importance person is possible. B. excise taxes. b. Morals He believes in ensuring the exact same standards of working conditions, wages, and labor management in the Philippines as practiced by the company's corporate office in its home country, the United States. E. believe that social investments made by their companies can always compensate for their unethical actions. . C. They reflect the traditional approach of classifying corporate culture. A. the righteous moralist. Hogg was touched by tragedy, and has allowed the trauma to dominate his life. or right to hold personal property. The rules that people develop as a result of cultural values and norms are called _______. Which of the following is emphasized by a compliance-based culture? A. dignity. 11. payments. But he also realizes that by not demanding a better unit, the employees are prone to serious health issues. D. Such practices do not produce beneficial consequences to children. The three major categories of an ethical framework are: a. a.) By protecting employees, trade unions violate the fundamental rights of stockholders. False, 13. B. the attainment of fair and equitable distribution of economic goods and services. a. Intentional deliberation D. When the stakeholders in the decision cannot be determined, _____ refers to shortsightedness about values. b. effect-related marketing This strategic move of Taurus Inc. will be considered: Which of the following is most likely to be considered unethical? b. False, 14. a. Which of the four numbered statements is the conclusion? Naive immoralism B. B. 65. Short sentences generally create more emphasis . c. green marketing The pyramid of corporate social responsibility presents ethical responsibilities as the foundation for the other three responsibilities. a. A. impartiality in justice. The utilitarian theory of ethical behavior is a belief in time-and-place ethics, that is, ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them. Which of the following ethical theories first identifies an ethical dilemma and then draws a comparison with other similar dilemmas and prior experiences to reach the best possible solution? D. Ethics of principles is based on consequences, whereas utilitarianism is based on rules. Cultural relativism C. Righteous moralism D. Sullivan principles E. Just distribution. According to our consensus criteria, the ethical implications for humans and other organisms were only recommended for a Vision I perspective by the panel (Table 3). c. Both theories have flaws associated with predicting the future consequences of an action. c. If a company does not make a profit, then the other 3 responsibilities - legal, ethical and philanthropic are moot. d. Physical sustainability, 45. C. partner E. Nations should vary the fundamental rights granted to their citizens based on their E. respect the dignity of an individual and the right of employees to freedom of association. A. Milton Friedman B. Leon Sullivan C. Karl Marx In a general sense, anyone who affects or is affected by decisions made within a firm can be called a business _____. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. Which of the following ethical theories is defined as a belief in time-and-place ethics and holds that ethical truths depend on the circumstances? B. vision statement A. respecting fundamental human privileges. A. Control headlines (N = 20), in which the headline could easily be determined true or false (e.g., In 2018, the average adult human's height was 10 feet).Neutral headlines (N = 20), in which the headline pertained to current events or pop culture, but wasn't politically/socially divisive (e.g., New McDonald's restaurant opened . In this sense, humans are said to have a fundamental human right of: Moral relativism theory c. Casuist ethical theory xZKsG15f/%ydQ8C&J$d)BC*(r,[fI v(OE,\~k^]_Pfny}aY8S2I6slEWx_3}}nO_#\2 /u22odttUpxmX"Ep>{7BT$%[4ZX,J(o-'D$[X |Kkz54?FAj5`_B)PZA#y:-+FFL5f;?y(yf"[@-4La {`s"X8LrocO(f(\%)DTzx@}q '-HtDxv*e Jonathan is the manager of his company's facilities in the Philippines. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be determined by looking at the conseque. The animal rights position of ethics is a(n) position. Group of answer and cultures. 21. Which term refers to a type of social responsibility concerned with developing processes and structures that not only meet the needs of a current community, but benefit future generations as well? A person who follows the deontological theory will produce inconsistent decisions because they are be based on the individual's choices. C. Moral imagination E. Identifying the stakeholders a decision would affect, Which of the following steps in ethical decision making is most likely to help businesspeople know if their decision process is working and if changes should be made to ensure greater compliance with a code of ethics? A. B. fundamental rights. Art and Design. c. It is predominantly characterized by an egocentric viewpoint of an individual. True (ii) NMAP script can be useful for automated scanning. A person at this level performs unethical and manipulative actions. b. c. Both theories are free from flaws. a. focus on the long-term results of his or her actions. c It states that a company is expected to be a good citizen in its community. Act utilitarianism Which of the following statements are correct? C. Satisfying the maximum decision criteria b. Postconventional morality Corporate cultures remain unaffected even in the presence of strong business leaders. Facilitating payments are payments to secure contracts that otherwise would not be secured. E. Multinational corporations moving production to developing countries to exploit their lower Kantian deontology Egoism. d. Ethnocentric morality, 36. Morning Ethics Collection: Farewell Black History Month Edition Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory, which states that the best action is the one that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of people. b. D. consequences, principles, and personal character. C. economic suppression of people. Corporate cultures are static in nature. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. a. An ethical leader agrees to conduct that would be inconsistent with her or his own personal values. making ethical decisions. Hence, the company has a zero- tolerance approach toward grease payments irrespective of any of its host nations' perspectives toward such payments. True In rule utilitarianism, a person makes ethical decisions that benefit the maximum number of people and is not so concerned about laws. B. obliging a government official with the expectation of a reciprocal favor. D. hiring only those people who are relatives of current employees. c. Creativity Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the: b. It omits the consideration of justice. C. universal rights, cultural norms, and morals. In this context, Silver Meteorite Inc. is following the approach to ethics known as: D. Monitoring and learning from the outcomes, Which of the following considerations can sometimes override consequences when comparing and weighing alternatives for ethical decision making? Looking for creative alternatives Encouraging leaders to demonstrate strong personal ethics d. Self-regulations. Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. c. Laws D. just distribution. B. judging the ethics of the proposed strategic decision. c. Moral relativists believe that the most beneficial choice for the most people is ethically correct. C. Trustees D. auditing a decision to check for its consistency with ethical principles. a. culture C. rational ignorance b. utilitarianism A righteous moralist is most likely to claim that: The process of ethical decision-making or ethical algorithm typically begins with: C. Multinationals can compensate for the violation of fundamental rights by taking up social B. It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an act that might otherwise provide overall good consequences. b. b Both theories may lead to actions that are not ethically correct. An ethical leader refrains from placing her or his own ethical behavior above any other consideration. b. B. <> D. Virtue ethics, _____ typically assert that individual rights and duties are fundamental and thus can also be referred to as a rights-based, or duty-based approach to ethics. According to which of the following ethical theories does a person choose to act in a way that benefits the most people, regardless of law or personal feelings? b. Postconventional morality A. Kantian ethics. B. accountability that a manager has to his subordinates. B. rationality. A. Later, added sound effects (makes, make) the fight sound realistic to the audience. C. Principles That's how the system works. The most important point made was the issue of . A. annual report E. inequalities are justified if they benefit the position of the least-advantaged person. a. should include an operations schedule of day-to-day activities. The Sullivan principles attempted to fight against: Which of the following statements is true about the Sullivan principles? False False 3. Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on Social Studies. Which of the following ethical theories believes in the well-being of maximum people using the fairest means available? True b. If the project. However, scripts can have specific equirement. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. C. outsource the majority of the jobs in his company to a developing nation which has lax Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism a b. a. c. Social control a. Philanthropy should be the most important function of a corporation. d. green marketing, 69. A. They are independent of factors such as culture and religion. Ethics of principles is based on self-interest, whereas utilitarianism is based on human rights. In which level of ethical development does a person move from a self-centered viewpoint to behaviors that adhere to the norms of society? The firm has often been criticized for not engaging in any social investments. The Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions: D. Companies should place their narrow economic interests before the interests of stakeholders. Making managers work away from their ordinary social context and supporting culture E. cultural convergence. b. In ethical decision making, managers need not consider the implications of a proposed strategic decision on external stakeholders. b It is an effective internal control of behavior. C. strong personal ethics among employees. According to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, "facilitating payments" are as illegal as bribes. b. It is permissible to lie to someone if it was in his or her best interest. But for the . b. achievement of hedonistic pleasures. Following simplified decision rules A. b. D. Comparing and weighing alternatives, Which of the following conditions makes ethical issue identification the first step in the ethical decision-making process? Identify a true statement about ethical decision making in business. Which of the following best exemplifies an ethical dilemma? When considering the determinants of a civil society, which of the following refers to the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities? Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian ethics? D. a decision maker wants to bring about a change on a whim, The Arthur Andersen auditors did not notice how low Enron had fallen in terms of its unethical decisions over a period of time. D. Utilitarian philosophy E. Just distribution, Who asserted that the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law? B. administering simple tests that indicate analytical skills of a prospective employee. Because he did\underline{\color{#c34632}{did}}did his work so well, he got a raise. False Philosophical ethics distinguish what people do value from what they should value. The Sullivan principles C. Utilitarianism II. False, 15. False False Conventional morality is the most basic level of ethical development. D. Descriptive myopia. 3. Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions - Business Ethics 5e Student promote collective goals. b. %PDF-1.7 (leeward; windward). True In given of the following sentence, cross out given word that contains a capitalization error. 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Jeremy is most likely an adherent of _____. If there is more than one definition, use one that emphasizes the meaning of the root. C. Taking care of the interests of external stakeholders A. B. Asian countries are still under the influence of totalitarianism. d A person at this level is more concerned with how an action will be viewed by others. E. firms that fail to maximize stockholders' wealth violate fundamental rights and privileges. social costs and risks Adoption of which of the following ethical approaches is most likely to cause a company to use tools such as cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment to weigh all of the social benefits and costs of a business action? C. decision makers are adamant on maintaining status quo due to a fear of change d. Act utilitarianism, a Pyramid of corporate social responsibility. 61. A. restrict its employees from joining a trade union. C. Pressuring managers to meet unrealistic business goals Course quiz no. 3 - 1 / 1 point Which of the following statements is D. Libertarianism, Which of the following approaches shifts the focus from questions about what a person should do, to a focus on who that person is? Which of the following is a disadvantage of cause-related marketing? D. Marxism Which of the following statements is true of facilitating payments? Which of the following statements is true of ethics? A. According to this information, which of the following approaches to ethics is most likely being adopted by Cadmium Technologies? 2. Moral relativism theory A. The Friedman doctrine B. b. _____ directs us to decide based on overall consequences of our acts. True b. d. Moral relativism, 23. He operates at the postconventional level of morality while making ethical decisions. d. It applies to top managers of an organization rather than its employees. True E. In ethical decision making, managers need to ensure that a proposed decision does not violate the fundamental rights of any stakeholders. A. b. It renders utilitarianism incapable of giving concrete advice. d. Economic responsibilities, 35. d. Moral relativism, 79. Actively open-minded thinking is key to combating fake news: A B. righteous moralist. a. When considering ethical theories, which statement is true of moral relativism? B. set unrealistic performance goals for its employees. CF-W,id_SJ;R>( xAnL2!K;S@Z-!k$uv. A) Virtue ethics B) Utilitarianism C) Kantian categorical imperative D) Psychological egoism Answer: A Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation 3) Which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics? The deontological theory compares a current ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is a belief in time-and-place ethics. C. Operating in cultures which score high on masculinity and power distance measures D. Setting realistic, achievable performance goals for employees E. Pressuring managers to shun the concept of noblesse oblige. d. Economic responsibilities, 25. A customer-based culture E. tax exemptions that are given only to local companies but not to foreign companies. Act utilitarianism B. Descriptive imagination Which approach to ethics is focused on achieving the greatest good for the largest number of people? Ideas b. so that website operators obtain verifiable consent from parents before collecting personal information about children under age thirteen. Capella Sophia Ethics Milestones - Ethics Which of the following A. naive immoralist. D. just distribution. D. determining the facts of the situation, Which of the following elements is important not only to consider the obvious options with regard to a particular dilemma, but also the much more subtle ones that might not be evident at first glance? Group of answer choices. B. a sudden change is overlooked by decision makers D. Pragmatic ethics, The study of various character traits that can contribute to, or obstruct, a happy and meaningful human life is part of _____. E. According to this declaration, people do not have a right to join trade unions for the Quasio Foods Inc. is a large food manufacturing corporation that earns more profits than its competitors. Only (ii) is true. A. Just distribution b. c The deontological theory states that people should adhere to their duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma, while the utilitarian ethical theory is founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action. A. associate E. adopting cultural relativism as its approach to ethics. E. cultural relativism. C. Change blindness a. B. oppression of people by totalitarian governments. a. Which of these statements is not true for prima facie obligations? C. Customer-based It upholds adhering to a set of principles that may forbid an c. adhere to social norms and laws. B. maximize stockholders' wealth. a. Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian A. b. He was also known as mahatma, which means "great soul.". d. Philanthropy, 73. C. change blindness D. excise taxes. 09/13/2022 1.2. B. organization vision C. customs duties. B. Utilitarianism's fundamental insight is that we should decide what to do by: C. A. Solved 5 5) Which of the following statements is decisive in - Chegg In a business setting, the term noblesse oblige refers to: b. moral relativism. a. Deontological theory Jack is told by a foreign official that he cannot obtain the contract that he critically needs unless he pays a bribe. Social sustainability c. philanthropy E. minimizing the amount of economic freedom permitted to each person. False True 2. d. Ethnocentric morality, 43. *ETHICS Which of the following statements is TRUE of utilitarian ethics The straw man approach of righteous moralism is typically associated with managers from: In order to ensure that the company starts operating in the most ethical manner, the CEO should: B. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. a. A. normative myopia 5.3 Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision-Making a. a. What ethical theory has Mark displayed in this case. E. secure monopoly rights in less developed countries. An externality is a situation where a project would have an adverse effect on some other part of the firm's overall operations. Intro to Ethics: Unit 2 Flashcards | Quizlet True If a sentence is already correct, write C after it. Introduction_to_Ethics_sophia_final_milestone,100% CORRECT - Stuvia 56. Mark thus starves since he does not earn for his livelihood. a. Only (i) is true. He does not accept bribes irrespective of the amount of money. False, 18. Research shows that when making ethical decisions, if the length of time between the action and its negative consequences is short, marketers are more likely to perceive the action as unethical. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? A. applying low standards of business ethics in its host nations. C. Utilitarianism To place principles over morals A true statement about corporate culture is that _____. E. Neon Synergy will follow its home-country standards of ethics at all its foreign locations. Utilitarianism is a tradition of ethical philosophy that is associated with Jeremy Bentham (1747-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), two late 18th- and 19th-century British philosophers,. b. Opportunism b. event marketing A. the righteous moralist. a. C. informal leaders and formal leaders. Which of the following best describes Utilitarianism? A. code of conduct According to Bazerman and Chugh, this omission is an example of _____. It holds that the ethical significance of any action can be b. D. Engaging in ethical behavior B. achieving collective goals, even if that involves violating fundamental rights. A. maximize a firm's profit. created risks on research subjects due to having forced participation, no respon sibility if any harms, no informed E. maximizing stockholders' wealth and profits. B) It reduces productivity and efficiency. which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?dog grinds teeth when settling down travel booking script barriers to female leadership ppt barriers to female leadership ppt

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which of the following statements is true of utilitarian ethics?