B. job description olange is the first one at work every day, the last one to leave, does not need a lot of direction, and can be relied on to finish any project given to her. D. Team members do not have to perform a wide variety of tasks, and they view their effort as significant. A) It is the support that managers from different teams offer to trainees. D. Industrial engineering will provide measurable and practical benefits. Which of the following statements best explains a drawback of the PAQ that would be relevant to her objectives? Sharon, an HR manager, is considering methods of job analysis to introduce at her organization in order to improve the process of writing job descriptions. Aaron assesses the significance of each job to the organization, which helps him set up fair pay structures. E) employees' skills. C. Industrial engineering will make jobs less specialized and less repetitive. Through this program, Phil is taking the strategic initiative to C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. C. People imagine jobs to be unstable, whereas jobs actually do not change or evolve over time. -statements regarding job analysis is true. B. D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy Which of the following statements supports Natalie's argument? C) communicating why employees were asked to attend training. E) identify the equipment and working conditions required for the tasks. All the details including the amount of washing liquid to use for each type of car are clearly specified. Job analysis data is used to: establish and document competencies required for a job; Job specifications define tasks, and job descriptions define responsibilities. B. Uses of Job Analysis It generates data that managers can use to defend their decisions when challenged E) provide remedial training to employees. WebWhen faced with a challenge, I am a true pragmatist who sees the big picture. B. evaluating employee performance in order to establish a rational pay structure. It is a work option in which two part-time employees carry out the tasks associated with a single job. Job A) The presentation method Explain. B) Interpersonal A) This method of training has lost popularity due to new technologies such as interactive video instructions. Which of the following most likely corresponds to the task undertaken by Jenny? Concept maps showing the relationship among ideas and visual images are tools that can be best used B. to increase efficiency by identifying the best way to perform a job E. It was created by the U.S. Department of Labor in the 1930s as a vehicle for helping the new public employment system link the demand and supply of skills in the U.S. workforce. All outputs must be strictly measured in terms of quantity. If an organization decides to take a strategic initiative of enhancing innovation and creativity, which of the following is likely to be an implication for the organization's training practices? This fuels the work we do around the world and inspires our mission to improve the C. It is a work option that empowers individual workers by adding more opportunities for specialization in their current job duties. A. empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. B) Cost analysis B. increased complexity The manager of a local grocery store introduces a short conveyor belt that allows customers to place items on it prior to checking out. She comes across an advertisement in a newspaper seeking applications for the position of an HR manager. A. E) develop creativity. Applying industrial engineering reduces the complexity of work. Information gathered by Jenny will be used to provide essential knowledge for staffing, training, performance appraisal, and other HR activities. A) predeparture phase. E. job orientation. A) the work environment. A. A. D. work redesign A) clarification Which analysis should his supervisor complete? E. job extension, Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation? Find a complex mapping from the given region R in the z-plane to the image region RR^{\prime}R in the w-plane. E) the goal orientation of the employees, ) In the context of factors that influence the motivation to learn, which of the following management actions is likely to increase employees' self-efficacy? WebJob analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are performed. C. shares of company stock ________ involves development programs, courses, and events that are developed and organized by the company. E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. She has identified the amount of time and the software needed by doing a(n) ________ analysis. C. In developing job specifications, considering all elements of KSAOs is unimportant. D. The employees do not engage in multitasking. B. job definition C. Text messages arriving on a salesperson's phone while she is meeting with a client Rodney explains that in order to decide on the human resource needs for the unit, they should conduct a work flow analysis. B) recruitment and hiring E) to share feedback about employees' performance. D. to assess the relative dollar value of each job to an organization They are the most difficult to implement for people in managerial or professional jobs. D. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved A) It involves determining the cause for performance deficiency-lack of skill or a training issue. As the company weighs the pros and cons of distance learning, which of the following should they keep in mind? E) Strategic analysis, Imani knows that her team needs to complete training. B. task ability D) the employee's family. Webjob analysis Carl Borden, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives his staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. A. HR executives A work-study training method that uses both on-the-job training and classroom training is called C) Identifying the outcomes Gina announces that she is likely to lose her job because her company is considering offshoring her job to another country. D. Searches for office supplies that generate 12,000 results to compare B. D. It uses an online platform to provide information about available federal jobs. D. The workers work alone at highly specialized jobs. C. Job specifications look at a job's activities, and job descriptions look at the qualities needed to do the job. When judging job analysis, which of the following refers to the practicality of the information collected? Name the model that was developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham to describe ways to make jobs more motivating. She feels that she has reached the highest level for her job and can now rest and relax, since she knows how to be an administrative assistant. Employees in a company's accounting department work 10 hours a day for 4 days a week, while employees in the other departments work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. A) work samples. Most unions prefer which of the following? C) provide the resources necessary for employees to use training content in their work. In an attempt to establish a more efficient and reliable workflow, Henry has taken up the responsibility of creating job descriptions and job specifications for the newly hired and current engineers within the organization. A survey of employee satisfaction among a county's 9-1-1 dispatchers found that employees struggle to keep up with calls, feel little or no control over their situation, and constantly worry about making mistakes. Koland Corp. is an interior design firm based in California. D. a manager participating in a meeting while on vacation with his family E. job sharing, According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following factors would motivate individuals the most? B) observation. WebWhich of the following is true of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)? E) Placing a value on the outcomes.

Strong people, process and system management skills, true believer of continuous improvement and WebJob analysis should include verifiable characteristics of the job environment with which workers interact. C) develop the skills required to complete the task and return home. C. designing jobs in such a way that they require minimal specialization D) The more passive the trainees are in absorbing the instruction, the more they can use the information on the job. N-Pax Technology Corp., a microchip manufacturing company, is hiring for the position of marketing manager for its new division. C. Organizations do not have to incur additional training expenditures. C. They support the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing an employee's need to commute using a vehicle. Which of the following is true about job analysis and susceptibility to offshoring? The last step in task analysis is to C) Dedicating physical space to encourage teamwork A. These requirements constitute a _____. A. the set of duties performed by a person. E) culture. E) conditions for learning. Conventional methods of collecting job information are. I am most satisfied when I see my ideas being implemented by end-users and customers. Which of the following is defined as a structured job analysis technique that classifies job information into seven basic factors: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, other job characteristics, and general dimensions? It has factual or procedural information that is necessary for successfully performing a task. B. B. employees are given the authority to make decisions B) validate the tasks that are to be performed on the job. D) Knowledge transfer management system MXB, Inc. is a carwash service provider. C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. B) preparation for offshore roles. E. to decrease the impact a job has on the lives of other people, A. to make jobs less repetitive and more interesting, Creations Media Inc., a publishing company, conducted an internal survey on employee satisfaction. E) It is the support that trainees give one another to discuss their progress. D) Repatriation phase C) Gadgets such as smartphones and tablets cannot be used in this method. E) returning-home phase. A. C) They prevent trainees from seeing the impact of their decisions in a risk-free environment. Pamela, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives her staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. C) person born in Germany but currently a U.S. citizen working in the United States. Competency modeling is a more scientific approach and job analysis is not as relevant anymore. B) recruitment D) identify the working conditions required for the tasks. C) Affective To do this, which of the following should Dave define? D. a combination of internal and external sources of information for job analysis E. It is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform successfully. WebThese results suggest that the way an organization defines job performance is a source of true and important variability in validities, and that the validity of selection tests for predicting complex performance criteria may show considerably less generalizability than current meta-analysis of univariate validities would suggest. All of the following EXCEPT ________ are ways to judge job analysis. E) cross-cultural preparation. A. job extension E) Placing a value on the outcomes, Which of the following is the last step in a return on investment (ROI) analysis? B. inputs from multiple sources such as incumbents and supervisors It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. E) enhancing communication and developing a peer network. D) Avoiding learning from informal sources such as company culture ______ are more likely to conduct job evaluations of senior management jobs, A job description is compared to class descriptions in the _____ of job evaluation. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of aligned pay structures? This is true. Which of the following statements is a fact about telecommuting that would support implementing this policy? E. Team members are only responsible for their individual tasks. Which of the following documents includes these considerations to help Nathan in selecting a candidate? C. job description E) deal with differences in language and culture in a new country. C) Cognitive adoption C) virtual-reality training. B) emphasizing that learning is under employees' personal control. In the context of job evaluation methods, which of the following is a common way of ranking? C) Performance support system With the knowledge that a new division of jobs will be created, what would be the appropriate course of action for Mark to take next? D. performance appraisal Work Sampling Technique D. external analysts D) Dividing benefits by costs A. a zero-hour contract B. penalizing companies that allow employee participation in ergonomic redesign the work performed in a job and how it gets done, the worth of the work: its relative contribution to the organization objectives, the value of goods/services an employee produces in a job, wage the employer and employee agree on for a job, relies on the work content - tasks, behaviors, responsibilities. E) Avoiding informal interactions between new and current employees, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, RD exam- Domain 1 B. which of the following is a computer application that can be used to provide skills training and expert advice? B. a compressed workweek It is a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a job entails. B) company payoffs. Which of the following B) the parent country supervisor. When job analysis shows that managers and employees disagree on parts of a job, the best answer is to: Today, job analysis is typically performed by. A. Which of the following is true about task analysis? A) task B) Japanese citizen working in Japan for a Japanese firm. He has developed well thought-out flowcharts and process documents so that if and when he moves on to another job, anyone can be trained to do his job. Does it seem reasonable to disregard this defense, however, if any assertion of fact within a statement of opinion is false? B) Calculating the total savings C. It fails to provide computerized reports. D) attitude surveys. C) identifying and developing talent B) Ensuring that employees understand their roles E) Simulation. He is asked to follow a set of instructions in a predetermined order to wash a car. Job analysis defines the organization of jobs within a job family. D) Dividing benefits by costs E) It involves identifying the knowledge and skills required for the job. C. HR specialists It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. C. They support the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing an employee's need to commute using a vehicle. Industrial engineering will eliminate the need for specialization in the job. Job Description Universal Advisor (Phone, Chat, Email - Customer Service for Luxury Automotive Tier 1 OEM) Pay Rate: $20-22 Schedule: Between 8am and 8pm. They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. D. A telework arrangement is easy to set up for manufacturing workers. It is developed using benchmark jobs and then applied to non-benchmark jobs. D) job specification More egalitarian structures are related to greater performance when close collaboration and sharing of knowledge are required. B) Calculating the total savings Mark should take care to avoid including the titles of the jobs while formulating new job descriptions. C) transfer of training. A. human resource planning D) The majority of apprenticeship programs are for managerial positions. A. job rotation B) onshore phase. D) Information analysis A) Person E) ensuring fair treatment, Implementing an alternative dispute resolution process is part of the ________ component of an effective managing diversity program. Josh, a human resource manager at a manufacturing company, recommends that the company use the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) for conducting job analysis. Which of the following statements is true of a job evaluation plan? B. D. allows employees to mutually exchange work roles at the same organizational level. A. to make jobs less repetitive and more interesting D) communicate the need for learning. B) They are used to teach only management and interpersonal skills. A. Email notifications popping up on a clerk's screen while he is entering data In accordance to his beliefs, he wants to reduce the number of job levels and the pay differentials between the levels. B. D) Geographically dispersed audiences cannot be reached. B. B. the Fleishman Job Analysis System E. the Motivation-Hygiene Model, According to the Job Characteristics Model, which of the following best describes task identity? In JSA, the ultimate goal is to identify potential hazards in every step of a process E. Conjoint Analysis Technique, To gather information about worker requirements, the Fleishman Job Analysis System typically asks _____ to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job. B) Refraining from providing relocation assistance Marjorie has been given the task of conducting job analyses and creating job descriptions for the site engineers. It is a work option that allows full-time employees to choose start and end times within the guidelines specified by an organization. B) Traditional classroom instruction is one of the most expensive methods of training. D) connection A) clarification. Identify a true statement about the verification process in this approach. A. issuing regulations rather than guidelines for industries Education, Communication. E. It results in abstract reports that are of limited use. D) Motivation Adam, an HR executive observes that telework or telecommuting has been a rising trend. Sam was just promoted to be the administrative assistant to the chief executive officer. Job enrichment Which of the following options would be a way to simplify the mental demands of employees' jobs? D. line managers B) the reliability of the training. D. job swapping Which of the following stages in the training design process involves self-management strategies and peer and manager support? Samcys Services Inc. specializes in providing round-the-clock building security services to multinational companies. not For scheduling purposes, it is recommended that three to five interviews be conducted per day. Following its successful implementation, which of the following outcomes should he expect? The PAQ considers the whole work process, from inputs through outputs. C. Employees telecommuting may have greater absences from work. Chap 4 Flashcards | Chegg.com A. Which of the following is a true statement regarding KSAOs? E) goal oriented. A Job Description B Role Analysis C Job Summary D Job Specification Medium Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) Was this answer helpful? It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. B. supervisors More recently, hospitals have begun asking surgical teams to use pre-surgical checklists aimed at avoiding miscommunications and oversights. C. the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself All of the following are true of an organization with a loyal soldier HR strategy except: Will focus on developing skills needed for high level service and innovation. Which of the following is not a component of Job Analysis Which of the following is true of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)? Which of the following companies is the most appropriate for her? Strip 0y0 \leq y \leq \pi0y to the wedge 0Argw3/20 \leq \operatorname{Arg} w \leq 3 \pi / 20Argw3/2. Which of the following is true of self-managing work teams? A) It is a graphic representation of the stages in training. E. This method provides descriptions that are rather abstract. C. job design C) Identifying the outcomes B. pain from the tactile feedback of pressing keys The doctrine was an effort to end the economic and social chaos resulting from the death of one-third the pop. Which of the following should Marjorie consider while creating the job descriptions? E) The economic value of training, ________ outcomes are used to measure the acquisition of knowledge. A. the extent to which a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved A. job analysis A) top management support E) Unlike interns, apprentices cannot earn until the period of apprenticeship is complete. A) host country national A) Encouraging employees to avoid asking questions A) developing specific skills or dealing with interpersonal issues on the job. C. fixed and unchanging job descriptions for various jobs Benefit Package: Yes Remote: Yes, with restrictions Equipment Provided: Yes Qualifications: Call Center or Automotive Experience, Bachelors Degree or Equivalent B. PAQ reports are very useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. C. The scope for employee errors is minimal. What ergonomic challenge may result from employees using these devices throughout the day? Job analysis identifies the content of a job. A. use of multiple analysis methods to obtain a detailed job analysis E. Mark should reuse the old job descriptions for the new jobs, instead of creating new ones. Which of the following theories predicts that individual performance will be maximized when the pay differentials between job levels are large?

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which of the following is true of job analysis?