For the mission to Reklam Station, Ezra, accompanied by Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, Rex, and Hondo, traveled to Yarma in the Phantom. After saving Lando, the crew departed on the Ghost with Chopper stealing Lando's fuel canisters as compensation for their risky job. Despite Ezra's best efforts, he was unable to lift the astromech droid. Saxon attempted to force Sabine to yield to him but she used the Frequency 337 on her helmet to escape. The path led them-through the wolves' inexplicable means of travel-to the southern hemisphere of Lothal. Despite being loyal to no one, throughout his years of work, Indigo had gained support of The Empire, and completing bounties for them was nothing out of the ordinary. The Ghost was then pursued by several TIE fighters but Kanan managed to lose them following a brief dog-fight. Finally, hed get what he wanted. The crew soon met Gold Leader and Gold Two, and the two squadrons initially rubbed each other the wrong way due to Gold Squadron's dislike for Phoenix Squadron's more aggressive tactics. After the loss of Ahsoka and the blinding of his master, Ezra was determined to never allow his friends to be harmed again. At first, he was baffled by the idea of helping someone without reward, but came to see the deed itself was its own reward because it was the right thing to do. During the fight, Ezra has knocked off the platform leaving Kanan to believe he was dead. With training from illustrious Jedi like Ahsoka Tano, notorious space-pirate Hondo Ohnaka, and even the mad Sith Darth Maul, Ezra had several lifetimes of training thrust on him between the ages of 14 and 19. By the time they arrived, their scanners detected no lifeforms on the planet's surface, and Ezra sensed the Force that all life that lived there had been wiped out. During the fight, Ezra used the Force to hurl detonators at the Jumptroopers. Later that night, Ezra apologized to Kanan for using the Sith holocron. When Hera apologized for endangering her team, Ezra assured her that he would have done the same for her. Ezra was soon contacted via comlink by Zeb, who revealed that he and Azmorigan had been locked in the ship's brig by a reactivated Imperial Sentry Droid. Ezra vowed that they'll the child safe. Later, as the Sister interrogated the young Jedi about the rebel fleet and Ahsoka, the Brother returned with a captured Sabine. Ezra claimed that things were going well but Hera quickly deduced he had disobeyed his orders. Ahsoka remained dead for nearly two years before Ezra walked the World Between Worlds and discovered a way to revive the talented Jedi. With reinforcements closing in and the hyperdrive under repairs, Ezra gave his fellow rebels a hand on shooting down the TIE bombers when the returned and attacked, causing minor damage to the carrier. However, the Imperials were on to them and had called in for reinforcements. Kanan became aware that Ezra was growing more stronger than he wasn't prepared for it. Dave York Realizing that Rex was a Clone Trooper, Kalani was determined to finish the Clone Wars as a victory for the Separatist Droid Army. Ezra and Kanan learned that Ryder's cell was sabotaging vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. While Sabine and Chopper dealt with the Imperials behind them, Ezra used the Force to control the AT-DP's pilot, forcing him to attack his own comrades and jump off the edge of the platform. Despite Kanan coming Hera, there was still no sign of her and the other crew when the Ghost and the rest of the Phoenix fleet converged on Ibaar. Though he fought to the end when the Empire attacked the royal palace, Lasan was lost and most of the Lasat were killed by a nuclear bomb. Work Search: Hera and Ezra then tried to escape through the basement but found that the Imperials had set up a command center. When Hera didn't return and Kanan suggested to use the Ghost to transport the supplies, an alarmed Ezra advised against it, knowing that it would make the Ghost an easy target for the Empire. This was a ploy to lure Ezra to Tatooine so that he could in turn be used to lure Obi-Wan out of hiding. However, Ezra's troubled past and Kanan's training could not prepare him for when he briefly tapped into the Dark side, which encouraged Kanan to test Ezra by sending him into the Lothal Jedi Temple. Once inside the temple's sanctum, Ezra and Maul teamed up to reach the Sith holocron, which was nestled on a high altar. Later, after settling back on the Ghost, Ezra opened the Sith holocron in his room. While in space, the rebels learned from Ahsoka that a similar attempt had been made to abduct children during the Clone Wars. Spotting a gap in the Imperial fleet, Ezra and Kanan took the chance to flee into hyperspace and exit above Lothal, landing the Phantom in Capital City. Ch1 (A Pau'an Hybrid - P1) - The Grand Inquisitor knows it is his job to eliminate force sensitives, but he didnt expect the youngling to be a Pau'an Hybrid. Caleb Dume, was born on Coruscant and spent his early life training to become a Jedi Knight under the provisional tutelage of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars. After setting up camp, Ezra watched as Kanan and Sabine parried with Training Sabers. Feeling lost without his mentor, Ezra had little time to grieve, as the Loth-Wolves returned accompanied by a massive specimen named Dume. Ezra began to repair his relationship with Kanan after his master rescued him during a dangerous mission at Reklam Station. Living out of an abandoned radio tower, the little thief tried isolating himself from the needs of others, but his ability to sense emotions kept his good heart from fully icing over. Though he has become more active on the battlefield and front line, Ezra has shown a preference not to kill, as seen in "Stealth Strike", when he escapes his Stormtrooper escort and destroys their blasters while making good on his promise not to hurt them. This created an explosion which disoriented the Imperials and enabled all the rebels to escape aboard the Ghost. Ezra kept in touch with his master but soon lost contact after being surrounded by several Krykna. Completed sabezra sabine hera +9 more # 4 Darth Brighter by FantasyReal4ever 25.4K 229 11 Every Jedi Who Is Still Alive During The Mandalorian - Screen Rant Though it did not feature a blaster built into the hilt, he used a DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol with his Lightsaber in combat. During their escape, however, Bossk was injured and convinced Ezra to help him by offering the boy all the content of his strongbox onboard the Tooth. While Maul dealt with Kanan, Ezra was escorted by two repurposed Tour Guide Droids to the command center. Kanan's Difficult Morning Chapter 7: Heliacal Rising, a star wars From Rex, Ezra and the other rebels learned more about the Clone Wars. Upon arrival, Ezra spotted smoke coming from Tarkintown and took off on a speeder bike to check it out, with Kanan following from afar. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Different Worlds - Nightmare - Wattpad During the fighting, the Inquisitor fired several bolts with his Double-bladed spinning lightsaber; causing the ground beneath Ezra to cave in. He was thievish, yet easy going and upbeat, and liked to play pranks and make jokes. When Ezra asked his master what he did with it, the older Jedi told him that it was safe. Master and Padawan then engaged him in a lightsaber duel, using each other's lightsabers. With the help of these allies, Ezra and Sabine were able to steal the TIE Defender Elite prototype and, more importantly, its Flight Data Recorder and hyperdrive. None the less, they proceeded with their investigation and boarded one of the construction modules. After returning to Lando's farm, Ezra and the Rebels proceeded with their plan and successfully bypassed the Imperial blockade, leaving Ezra's homeworld behind. There they discovered an ancient abandoned village, which they took as their new base. *** Continued from Day 13 ***The use of the Dark Side, even to save someone you love, always comes with consequences. Nearby, an Imperial light cruiser was coming after them, but Ezra Force-pushed a TIE bomber that Sabine rigged with explosives out of the carrier and let it drift toward the pursuer. Due to this and the influence from the Sith Holocron, Ezra started to fight more aggressively, such as killing Stormtroopers rather than stunning them. He knows he can't outlast a black hole, but he wants this moment to last as long as he can make it. Star Wars is a space opera. During the fight, Chopper stopped the Imperial astromech by electrocuting it and reopening all the doors, allowing Ezra and the crew to retreat back to the Ghost. "The Jedi" was a particularly huge episode for fans of Star Wars Rebels, as it hinted at the return of Ezra Bridger, one of the show's protagonists.In Rebels' series finale, Ezra ensured the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn by calling upon a species of space whales called Purrgil to take hold of Thrawn's Star Destroyer and drag it into hyperspace - with both Thrawn and Ezra inside it. Ezra led the Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper on a mission to free Hondo, from the Imperial prison on the planet Naraka. Star Wars Rebels - Wikipedia Frankie Morales Introduced at age 14, the young force sensitive was lambasted for being well, a 14-year-old. During the journey, Ezra wept, prompting Kanan to comfort him. Money, keys, credit cards, even my own heart, but none of that mattered more than stealing lies. * (Will be continued), Ch3 (A Lasat Vers2 - P1) - After hearing about a Jedi and a Lasat stealing crates from the Capital, Ezra makes it his mission to find them. When Ezra tried to make conversation with both Sabine and Ketsu, the two girls indicated that they wanted to talk in a clique and kept Ezra out of the conversation. While underground, the rebels and Saw discovered evidence in the form of poison canisters that the Empire had perpetrated genocide against the Geonosians. They were afterward greeted by the contact, who turned out to be Hondo, and Gron turned out to have fought in the Lasan Honor Guard with Zeb as his captain, much to Zeb's discomfort. Ezra's true master plan then came into play as a school of Purrgil-summoned by Mart through Ezra's guidance-destroyed the Imperial ships in orbit. With no means of reaching Rebel Command, the group soon set their sights on a Mining Guild Ore Crawler. When he was seventeen, he left the Imperial Inquisition after ten long years of suffering and darkness. After a challenging physical ordeal, the two managed to acquire the holocron. When Ezra said that was not true, Sabine told him that he did not know her and opined that she would be unable to lead her people if she did not resolve her family problems. While the warrior was assumed to be Zeb, the child was assumed to be Ezra, who commented that the Ashla sounded like the Force, which according to Kanan had many names. While Sabine and Chopper continued the mission and reached a truce with Ketsu, Ezra evaded the Stormtroopers and made his way back to the Ghost. At that point, Marida fired a rocket at their hijacked AT-AT, which toppled to the ground. Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Once aboard, they were greeted by the Theelin crew member Gooti Terez and her human comrade Jonner Jin. My name is Ezra Bridger and this is a story about me living as if I was lower than dirt since I was 8, to the most amazing place on earth. Once inside the planet's atmosphere, the rebels managed to find Reklam Station but discovered there were few Y-Wings that remained intact, a number that was reduced at an alarming rate. In a manner of minutes, the Phantom is gone. After his parents were taken away by the Empire, he was heartbroken. . The Jedi Master helped Ezra realize that Maul had deceived him, and when the former Sith appeared to confront him Obi-Wan had Ezra mount his Dewback and depart with Chopper. Marcus Morena Contents 1 Biography After Ezra and Zeb dispatched two Stormtroopers, he signaled for Chopper to join them. Prior to a mission, Ezra and Kanan have a discussion, which ends up with Kanan blaming Ezra for everything. Chopper also freed Ezra and Sabine from their restraints. Chopper managed to gain admission by electrocuting an Imperial communication droid and stealing its clearance code. Later, Ezra remained on board the Ghost with its Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla while the Rebels revealed they had a new mission to rescue Wookiee prisoners being sent to a slave labor camp on a Imperial transport ship. Or ending up in your favorite movie because you fell throug Book three in the Vincent Series: Based on this logic, this made the rebels and Separatist droids allies. Will they find out what is going on? Kanan and Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra and Rex convinced them to continue their mission to find Saw. He was never going home. So, to avoid being recognized, they disguised themselves as a stormtrooper and cadet and mingled into one of the ships as Leia disembarked from it. The two quickly recognized each other from their earlier encounter aboard the Imperial Interdictor. The crew of the Ghost are Jedi in this. Ezra's Life Made to Watch - ADGAEA - Star Wars: Rebels [Archive of Our Own] No, he couldnt let his mind wander back to his old life. At Kalani's direction, the battle droids fired their bolts at Ezra and Kanan, who deflected them at several proton bombs. When Commander Sato thanked Kanan, Rex, and Ezra for saving him and his crew, Ezra complimented Kanan and Rex's teamwork. While Hondo's omission of these facts solidified Zeb's distrust of the pirate, Ezra insisted that they could still work with him. With the handy work done, Chopper switched back the gravity causing he technicians to plummet while Ezra managed to grab a platform. Ezra is incredibly gifted with the force. And in time, a new hope will emerge. After the ritual ended, the two were accosted by several fallen Nightsister spirits who demanded that they pay their price in flesh and blood. So, the light cruiser opened fire on the Ghost and each blast kept missing the ship, and thus the Ghost miraculously jumped into hyperspace through the star cluster, knocking Ezra and his fellow crewmates out due to its bright blast. This lightsaber was unique in that it featured a built-in blaster that fires stun blasts. With the Empire now alerted to their presence on Seelos, the rebels made preparations to leave. When Maketh Tua asked for help, Ezra was the first one to believe that they should help, since what they do is help those in need; even though she was from the Empire. After hours of waiting, Ezra began to loose patience until the Lasat finally returned, having discovered that the planet was the original Lasat homeworld and that it was already home to millions of Lasat. Ahsoka agrees about Anakin; she says he rarely lost a battle and was a kind Jedi who cared about his friends and always looked out for them. May the Force be with you always". Despite Kanan's orders, Sabine snuck along, probably making Ezra worried. Together, the rebels made their way inside the prison and found Hondo's cell. Maxwell Lord On the way to the spaceport, Ezra voiced his views about Sabine's personal habits to her. I frowned. When Saw threatened to shoot the Geonosian queen egg, Ezra countered that doing so would help the Empire to exterminate the Geonosians. When Sabine responded that she did not want the baggage that came with the Darksaber, Ezra asked her about her family. In secret, he had been delving into the Sith holocron and learning the powers of the dark side. Along with Zeb and Chopper, Ezra and Kanan traveled on the Phantom to the settlement of Hammertown on Takobo. The rebels agreed to assist Hondo and Azmorigan recovers their treasure in return for getting access to a shipment of proton bombs aboard the cargo ship. The Phoenix Squadron believed they could steal that ship and use it to house all of their fighters. During the Jedi first duel with Vader, and Ezra almost having his neck burned, the crew must help one another and train each other for the worst from the evil galactic empire. Ezra Was Kick Out Of The Rebellion And Force Into Exile. How we chose to fight is just as important as what we fight for.Ezra Bridger. The carrier was now under their control, but thanks to Cham, the hyperdrive was disabled so they couldn't escape with the ship. At this time, his potential with the Force was noticed by another Jedi Master, Depa Billaba, whose connection with him awoke her from a . While Kanan went back to rescue Rex, Ezra, Chopper, and the other rebels returned to Sato's corvette and took off under Kanan's instructions through the comlink. However, the AT-ATs proved resistant to the Ghost's armament, so Ezra was asked by his master to secure the third corvette for Ryder while he dealt the walkers. Ezra pointed out to Sabine that at least she had a family to go back to, unlike him. As he puts his bike near the side of his tower, he takes the elevator up and walks into his 'room'. Max Ph [ Story Of Revenge ] Believing that one of the prisoners could help them find Ezra's parents, Kanan instructed his apprentice to use the Force to probe the list with his vision. You cant entirely erase someone and expect them to still be an efficient war dog afterwards; something has to give. Six months after he deserted, Ezra meets a bounty hunter that will change his life. His selflessness put him at odds with Maul, who failed to understand Ezra's loyalty to his friends. After grabbing Rudor's helmet for his collection, Ezra quickly left the wreckage, while revealing his thievish intentions. After knocking out another Droideka, Ezra and the other rebels forced their way into the command bridge and declared victory. Zeb told Hera indirectly that the youth had used a mind trick to manipulate the AT-DP pilot. Dark Ezra Bridger - Works | Archive of Our Own Satisfied, Kanan enlisted Kallus' help in breaching a communications station so that they could contact Ryder. This could also explain his keen Force Sense enabling him to empathically sense Maketh Tua's fear for her life and her honesty, as well as being able to sense the Dark Side from Lothal while still in orbit. They arrived to find the refugees being led out of a cargo container at gunpoint, and the Ghost crew immediately caught a glimpse of who they were: a Lasat warrior named Gron and Lasat shaman named Chava the Wise. I am a Jedi, but I refuse to pretend I don't love Sabine" looking around the room Ezra sees that the council is already thinking "now if you want to talk further you can find me in the medical bay or the library" he then walks out of the room and lets out a deep breath and relaxes. In the weeks which follow, he retreats into himself, determined to uncover the secrets of the holocron - but in his search for a new weapon, he risks losing a bit of himself in the process. "I'm used to seeing ancient ones, cowardly Jedi's pulled from their hideaways, but you you're a Padawan, a child I haven't seen one of you in a long, long time.". During the mission to Malachor, Ezra encountered the former Sith apprentice, Maul, who taught him the basic philosophy of the Sith and encouraged Ezra to use his anger to strengthen him. As captain of the Honor Guard, he was responsible for protecting the royal family and all the Last. Lando was off-world at the time but his droid, W1-LE, was there to assist them. A three-way battle broke out and the rebels managed to board a shuttle with EG-86 in tow. Ezra and the rest of the Ghost crew accompanied her to meet with Cham and two of his colleagues, Numa and Gobi Glie, and after an awkward welcoming, they moved to the mission briefing where Hera outlined her plan to steal the fighter carrier, which involved using a stolen TIE bomber to infiltrate the starship. That pulled a snort from the Jedi and the mood was decidedly lightened by the time the rest of their family crowded into the room. Hoping to make the galaxy a better place for him, his parents set up public broadcasting transmissions meant to speak out against the Empire's tyrannical rule, but their small rebellion would cost them their lives. After finding the treasure and bombs, the rebels opened the cargo bay's outer door. The Rebels get away, but after a twist of events, Ezra gets captured. Star Wars Rebels - Fanfiction. - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own The rebels took the power generators and allowed Hondo to keep the proceeds. The rebels found themselves trapped between Imperial forces on both sides. Ezra then advocated escaping but Hera counseled against it because there were too many guards. Ezra and Fenn watched as Sabine parried with the Darksaber against Kanan in a training exercise. With that done for them, the rebels fought their way back to the Ghost and took off, departing and escaping into hyperspace just as Kallus arrived in an Imperial light cruiser. However, Thrawn warned the pilots that Ezra's team had hijacked the AT-DP walker. Fortunately for Ezra and the rebels, the Rebel Fleet arrived with Phoenix Home and the Ghost. Using the locator, he, Kanan, and Chopper tracked the speeder bike and the loth-cat to a cluster of large hives outside Capital City, where they were held at gunpoint by a hooded man whom Ezra recognizes as Prisoner X-10. Upon opening the cell, Ezra and his team learned that Hondo had an Ugnaught companion named Terba, who had been the original source of his information. Ezra then told Kanan and Sabine that Maul had discovered that Obi-Wan was still alive and that he was inhabiting a planet with twin suns. Ezra was still full of questions about who Darth Vader was, questions that Ahsoka, who had the answers, denied. Additionally, he often used his quick-thinking to outwit his enemies, such as when he tricked Imperial officials into answering an emergency alarm he himself had issued with their comm-link. Ezra succeeded in leaving the system after Commander Sato sacrificed himself and Phoenix Nest to destroy one of Thrawn's Interdictor Cruisers, only to find that Mon Mothma couldn't send any reinforcements to their aid for fear of walking into Thrawn's trap. An argument quickly broke out between Padawan and Master when Kanan reprimanded his apprentice for dabbling with the Sith holocron, and proceeded to take the device. Sabine answered "No", and was glad of it. It didn't go well because the Empire was expecting it and captured Kanan. However, Sabine pointed out that the starfighters needed to be refueled first. Zeb was despondent because he could not come along and had to stay behind with Chopper and AP-5. The two rebels also had their first glimpse of Thrawn and his subordinate Captain Slavin with Ezra wondering who the "blue guy" was. When Ezra protested that this was not what he wanted, Presence told him that she would share the power with someone else more worthy. While Phoenix Home evacuated the stolen Y-Wings, Hera and Kanan traveled on the Ghost into the depths of Yarma's atmosphere. Ezra would also use these skills to steal from others. On the way, they were attacked by the Seventh Sister and her ID9 Seeker Droids. She was pretty and innocent with a best friend who would die for her. Noticing Hondo fleeing the salvage yard, Ezra contacted the pirate and jokingly asked him why he was leaving, realizing it was typical of the Weequay's behavior, to which Hondo replied he was making his quick escape, noting another successful adventure.

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