Peter asks, but Happy's already disappearing behind the elevator doors. Steve, had some other things we had to take care of.. Clint taps a finger against his chin. Do they also have eggs?, Peter laughs, and the tension in the room snaps like a twig. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. Neither of them had realized that it was Ben that they shouldve been concerned about. The others freeze then too, Sam holding a loaf of bread before turning to Steve and saying, This is your problem.. From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. Stay away from her!" not Peter Parker has always told himself to put the little guy first. 5 Times Peter Parker Saved an Avenger May nods. His eyes were huge and they flicked around the room before landing on Tony. physically gone or if he was in some kind of coma somewhere. And after his day, one would think he couldn't have experienced more bad luck, right? Web"N-no I'm fi-" Peter then gasped, as the pressure in his chest was increasing fast. There are twisted people that you would never be able to fathom. Currently, Peter was lamenting his bad luck - stupid parker luck! Chapter 7 13. "Oh. She pats his shoulder one more time, gives him a watery smile, and leaves without a word. Archive of Our Own being something that he struggled with. Peter The One Where He Has Scars tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Sam asks incredulously. Peter takes it, standing up straight as Sam says, Parker, he--, Sam cuts himself off, Peter groaning inwardly when Sam shakes his head. Before Peter can even think of a response however, Sam schools his expression once more, holding up a spatula and pointing it at him. WebPeter huffed, arms crossed to his chest. avengers fanfic Tony demands, trying to hide his growing panic. "Tony said no magic," Bucky calls from the corner. From the protective way Tony responds to her presence, to the look in her eyes, the color of them and her facial features making Peter want to ask even more questions. Though Tony and Mr. Rhodes already understood the point he wanted to make, and the others were still slightly confused, they knew there was a deeper meaning to his words; a certain type of gravity to them. He doesn't bother taking the suit off right then and there, slipping past May and the burnt dinner and grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. So, we established they have couches where youre from. Looking around, he could see realization dawning on some of their faces. The destruction you cause without care can actually affect others. You Maybe it had something to do with his parents refusing to buy him a new car which Peter kind of felt bad for or how Peter answered a question that Flash got wrong. Spiderson oneshots - Touched Starved Peter leans heavily onto her. Who is this?, Morgan, what are you doing here? Tony asks, Peter realizing that this is the Morgan from before, I thought you were with mom.. (Newsflash: it isn't the equipment or the fancy spandex.). "Don't lose it. Tony takes that moment to burst from his office, a thunderous looks in his eyes as he processes the situation. 4. Peter Its mid-morning the next day. But it was more than that, a burning curiosity to understand just what Parker had gotten up to and why everyone was so quick to believe that hed murdered all those people. "No-don't do this. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. for "Stop bullying me! Peter, Peter says, avoiding Tonys gaze as he directs his attention squarely on Morgan. "Out saving the day. A gleam enters Mr. Stark's eyes, hard and unyielding. Steve asks with an eyebrow raised, at the same time Tony deadpans, "What.". Clint pauses to glance around. here-- that hell have to play it close to the chest. Peter Peter didnt keep kosher but it ticked another box for him, that the Peter of this world-- that this world in general-- was different from his own. Im sorry Peter, but you need to stay here., No buts. Why do you look like Peter?, I Code for, I'll find another way to avoid this question later. WebPeter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. 7.3K 155. by StarkStevePeter. Natasha added, her contempt evident. "Which makes you still a child, Peter. See you in a few days, kid.. And will his loved ones deaths. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. I'll explain later." Steve takes a moment to look at the area around them. his Why does he look like Peter?, Peter startles at that, pointing to his chest before saying, Wait you-- you know me?, Tony and Steve both look to him as Sam snickers from the kitchen, Morgan raising an eyebrow as she says, Duh.. Mature Peter Parker Avengers find out Peter is young and does NOT like it Peter rips them a new one Kind of an introspection but not really set after Civil War but before IW Spider-Man Identity Reveal Identity Reveal Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net Cross-Posted on Wattpad Language: English Series: a murderer then-- well, Peter didnt know how he felt about this so-called Raft and the fact that he was being held in some facility. "That's not what she meant, Pete -" but, Mr. Rogers continues to speak. They have families and friends, the same as you. His mask covers his face, shielding his expression. ", Locking eyes with Steve, he continued. Don't answer that. But even as he thinks that, Peter cant say in confidence that he wouldnt completely-- not when there was still a bitter, sore spot in his heart of who killed Ben. "Actually, I don't think that's a very good idea. "Hey, Peter. Is she okay? as well as Peter was still a little out of it and his adrenaline was running out. me IronDad and SpiderSon (Under Editing!) - Uhhhhh. Peter avengers fanfiction peter flinches Literally nothing could be held back. It's okay." Poisened_rat, Robin_spider, Sup3r_Fan, HACKERY_JACKERY, Frogdottir, FictionalSupporter, InvalidAlicorn, Nightmare206, D33P, tommyyy_713, shiqooo, ShutUpPls, Zmutowany_Krab, Lady_Panthea, 191207hi, shiggyonthebeat39, 27_kiraszep, CcyiGyu, bizarre_possum, pillowzzzzzzzzz, Lio26, Tomalomadingdong, BoopedMySnake, TeddyHappyTiger22, YuYezi2003, ekfrl, Pastelsquid, LadyBloodDove, BLMucheeto, AmyFrysk, otterpineapple06, JaittsukoKureiko, you_a_hoe_she_a_hoe, Raccoon_Child, Booksplease7323, Valkyrie1189, User1868982638, Ineverlearnedhowtoread, okso, vela1129, atouchofprocrastination, c_h_i_c_k_i_n, RyosCheney2020, srlee012, ijkeal, Kyouka211, skitskitskit, lactose_intolerant, Iambumblebee, Anna_mangafan5, and 1809 more users I've fought off truly evil people. ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." Peter was on the lab table just sitting down while all the Avengers stared at him with concern. Sure it's further from Midtown, but having the permission to work on his suit's webbing in Tony's very own restricted lab makes up for it by a long shot. Its for the best., Peter wants to protest, but as hes done countless times the last few days, he instead bites his tongue and doesnt pushknowing the big bay of east-facing windows would give him a good view anyway. Tony slowly sat down on the bed, keeping his eyes focused on Peter. Peter had been through multiple foster homes, but nobody ever wanted him. 1. After that, his Chemistry teacher gave him detention next week for staring out of the window too long. WebVotes. "That was so awesome!" He raises his hand in a brief wave. (Though, perhaps it was because of his background as a therapist who dealt with PTSD patients, Sam understood the magnitude of Peter's words. Nothing, kid. So, Peter can safely say that he's settled in pretty nicely. didnt do anything, Sam says pointedly, extending a hand to help Peter off of the medical bench. The curiosity isnt quite enough for him to ask directly though, Peter telling himself that its unlikely Sam or Steve would have answers anyway. He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. "Are you sick? "Hey Peter, how wasoh." He pauses in front of the automatic glass doors. Even injured, one could tell by his body posture that he was ready for a fight. And second, that Parker knows exactly what it is. Tony's not sure whether to punch him or hug him. avengers fanfiction peter flinches You dont have the scar., The wait, Peter turns to Steve and Tony, I have a Precious Peter Parker Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Parent Tony Stark stressed Tony Stark Bulletproof Suits Fluff Tony Stark-centric Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) My first fic!! The containment of half of the former Avengers team following what the media dubbed "The Civil War" shook the public. much What is he doing out of his room? Tony asks, Peter taking a step back from the vehemence of Tonys tone but mostly out of surprise-- not having to fake the hurt he feels in the slightest that Tony is still so completely against him being here. by | Jun 10, 2022 | rozbor vody zadarmo 2022 | megan benoit, chris benoit daughter | Jun 10, 2022 | rozbor vody zadarmo 2022 | megan benoit, chris benoit daughter I mean, yeah, um, how many days did you say there were until you leave? "Youre superheroes. You have reached the maximum potential a human is able to achieve but I, on the other hand, surpass your potential entirely because my DNA has mutated to become a spider. Besides "Mr. Rogers, you have enhanced senses just like I do. He'll be gone in less than a month.". Happy's irritated voice snaps him from his awestruck daze. Two?" Peter stares up at the ceiling, one hand under his head and another resting across his midsection fingers lightly tapping as he thinks. That someone is made clear a few moments later, Peters eyes growing wide as he watches Rhodeyin full War Machine armorappear last, pushing an upright rolling gurney from behind, one to which a human is strapped to by large metal bands. It absolutely can hurt, and what I do or dont want my daughter to do is none of your concern, Rogers, Tony says definitively, only for Morgan to snort and wrestle herself from his grasp. For fuck's sake, Tony really needs to give her a talk about privacy. What it takes (to be a hero Chapter 4 Time to earn your keep, Little Pete.. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. If May was sick in this world, something shed briefly had the possibility of being only for it to shift-- it stood to reason that there was more nudged around that Peter could figure out. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. As soon as they do, Peter hears the keypad go off once again-- fingers lightly tapping against the bedcover. He was awake, but not alone. "Did they treat you guys well over there? The pitying look in May's eyes makes him feel a little sick inside. His sharp vision had no problem identifying who was knelt in front of him, the manic look, the strewn hair, the suit that cost more than everything Peter owned combined. Keep him in his room, keep him safe. Avengers could It was fun, but he got me good across the face." Peter He groans, gingerly pressing the pads of his fingers against the injured eye. Yet that still doesnt stop him from wondering all the time what happened to this worlds MJ and Ned. Natasha's hand slowly uncurls, and she releases her grip on the hem. I'll be fine over here, May. +. Holy shit. I've been doing this from before you met me; I'll still be doing it after. He lets the door close on him, Peter hearing the keypad go outside of it once again-- wishing now that hed actually taken Ned up on his what-seemed-ridiculous offer at the time to try memorizing key touch tones. WebPeter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Chapter 10 WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess That had always been his alibi, anyway. From, , this time. Apparently, fighting a robot which fought using dance moves was hard because the attack patterns were weird but also he didnt know anything about dance aside from twerking and even that was debatable. There are a lot of vacant rooms there, and he's lending you one for free. he Aside from Tony, Happy, and the nice lunch lady that stops by often, he doesn't really have anyone else. Avengers With May always working to pay the bills he spends his nights alone. had "I I don't " "What'd you do? was If you don't want me to, then I don't have t", "No!" On the other hand, there are many who want him punished, and even more who want him dead. Chapter 2 "Yes, the Avenger's Tower." "Breakdancing robots?! Wanda smiles in what's the start of a laugh, looking down at her hands and picking at her nails. When hes not thinking about May, Ned or MJwhether this worlds or his ownhe finds himself thinking about Parker, waffling between looking forward to his arrival and feeling apprehensive about it. Hes not the same.. WebPeter was always very open to the others. Natasha moves forward, a hand on the gun at her hip. I feel like it'd be a bit hypocritical of me to deprive him of that." They didn't think they were that obvious in their dislike. WebPeter takes a deep breath, and makes his way over to Mr. Stark's lab. I saw him die for me, right within reach. I don't think it's about whether or not you could throw a punch or withstand an explosion. A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. I uh, Tony said that she was-- that shes--, Peter cuts himself off, letting out a little huff that is almost as desperate as he feels. Mental and physical pain. Peter takes it, standing up straight as Sam says, Parker, he--. But as of recently, Peter has been acting a Is it so complicated that Ill never be able to leave this room at all? Out of the corner of his eye, Wanda nods mutely. With his hand on the handle, Peter said quietly "What makes a hero, Mr. Rogers? Things go down just about as you'd expect. However, after all the fighting he's done in the past months with the team, Sam realizes that he forgot what it felt like to be normal. There may be more differences than we accounted for, Steve says, mostly to himself as Peter brings his attention back to the present-- more curious than ever now not just about May but about this world and just how Peter finds out his new suit is actually bulletproof. "Mr. Stark! ", Wanda tilts her head. Thanks Sam, Peter says before Sam can say anything more, forcing a smile again as he says, For stitching me up., Sam looks conflicted, nodding once before saying, No problem, Little Pete.. Avengers "Do you want to talk about it?". peter Where is he going? Peter asks, looking between the two. Or: After May leaves for a business trip, Peter finds himself living at the Avengers Tower for a month. Well get some food in you. look through the books-- rifling through them only to be bored because half of them had been on the summer reading list that Midtown gave and the other half being books that MJ herself had recommended for him to check out. was besides the point, he thinks as Sam opens the door to his room-- Sam pressing in a code that Peter didnt quite catch in full. Only for Peter to remember how Tony had looked when hed described Parker and bringing someone called Morgan around, the thought occurring to him that maybe it wasnt Peter that they didnt trust. Peter whimpered. Firebeta, JinxxRadke16, Reina25, amethystfairy, DreamOrFiction, oneICURN, dellabelle, JustAshippeerr, bookinator3000, ponchoprick, sterryvit, SaurusLorie, Stressin_depression, CupcakeSkies, Aithusa_Morgenstern, a1phabet_s0up, xcharliex, Foxlass, Raven_Iris, starminsung, Zoe_420, TaeTaesJungkook, Zethar_Devin24, pterodactyl_screech, Marianna_cookedthis, Ambri_Kat, otakutwin1_0, Sunshiny__Ace13, LokiWazInnocent, Pareja, MayBear2435, CaroBunny23, WakinLazyTurnip, Abbey_Monrow, Kohakuryu, asdgsf, Sleek_peak_peek, PsWilson, ctruth7539, WitchOfTheForest, Nuso, AlgorythmicGalaxy, Dragonfly203, Anarchy_Boiii, goldenflower_uhyeah, solecitolouis1, Readswhateverfandom, dreamsandbunnies, JacieBlevins, Moonlightkittypaw, and 3008 more users For the other guy? Peter says, further delineating himself from the other Peter in an act that he hopes will endear some trust with this Steve. WebAvengers Team; Michelle Jones; Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending; Multiverse Shenanigans; Peter Parker is a Little Shit; Protective Tony Stark; BAMF Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; defenestrating canon as per usual; Comic Book Science; Peter Parker Needs a Hug (both of them do) alt title - Peter Parker: 2 Fast 2 Furious ", Clint snorts at her obvious sarcasm. "No witchy stuff while you're under my watch. And if its actually because hes pretty certain theyre both dead in this universe but would rather not have the assumption confirmed, well, nobody has to know that. "Even then, do you seriously think I haven't tried to quit? Peter thought about the people he met out on patrol. At least he had Ned and Mj to help, but Ned is out of town for a wedding and Mj only offers a hug when in private. Before Peter gets the chance to spiral any further, theres another knock on the door before the keypad goes off and the doors slide open-- lifting his head up from the bed to see Sam and Steve standing there. May, Peter says, watching as recognition floods Steves face. Sam mutters still a dad under his breath as the former and current Avengers disperse reluctantly. Please consider turning it on! I'm sure you saw it." Their return was kept under wraps by the government, agreeing not to inform the public about the team coming back home. Peter You actually came close tonight. Only for Peter to go still when he hears a familiar voice coming down the hallway, noticing the way Steve freezes too as doors from the other ends whoosh open-- Tony walking in. ", "You dont get to tell me whether or not I could be a hero. The ones who do their crimes with no remorse. "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesnt want to put up with his horrible foster father anymorethe streets are infinitely more appealing. 12. Web"N-no I'm fi-" Peter then gasped, as the pressure in his chest was increasing fast. Theres way more thats going on here, things that Peter needs to figure out. Until it was. Cant really do anything else, Peter says jokingly, gesturing to the open and relatively empty room. "What's your name?". When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?". Your question is complicated and something that you, Tony says, turning her head away from Peter and back towards the hallway, dont need to worry about., Come on, Tony, Steve pleads, Tony flashing a look at Steve, it cant hurt. They still didnt trust him, that much was clear-- restricting him to this room and locking the door behind him. Peter avengers fanfiction peter flinches Cute feels. I dont know about this, Steve, Sam says quietly, Steve shaking his head slightly as he turns his attention back to Peter. Don't answer that. Father Figure WebPeter flinches violently, his hand releasing said arm with a jerk, as if burned. ? "It's reallyclean," Peter comments, going over to lay his suitcase down beside the bed. Stay away from her!" ", "T-Tony Stark?" Tony sighs. The door to his bedroom is ajar and he can see May in the kitchen from where he is, but that doesn't really matter. Peter is locked in at night, which he doesnt complain about even if it bugs him. ?/What makes a hero. He grunted softly at the impact. " The reminder of her just reminded him of May, reminded him of the people who were no doubt missing him back at home-- and worse, Peter thought, having no way of checking how his people in Not yet, Peters not gonna push his luck just yet, but its a good sign-- having his instinct confirmed when Steve says, I cant make that call but just-- sit tight.. Should I expect door delivery around meal times?. He was back in his room. and one time Peter scared the Avengers. + The first thing he noticed as he was limping through some country he doesn't remember the name of is how blank everyone's skin was. was Point taken, Steve says before moving to the door, nodding towards the tray of food. Tony runs a hand down his face. Chapter 5 Rogers? Though I guess you could say we are different in a way: the intensity of those senses. "Yeah! Peter whimpered. Spider-Man is working to catch him but accidentally meet "Ghost", the new superhero in NY. Though, he did look like he was about to protest on his behalf at the moment. 6. ____________________ He can't miss out on patrol and laze around like the rest of them. Parker was like a big brother to Mo. And here" Happy hands him an identification card with Peter's face and name on it. And that? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. WebPeter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. It'll grant you access to multiple floors, but I only want you on this one. "And I did that because what I don't need right now is multiple reactions like this. "I I don't " "What'd you do? Chapter 3 The 30th floor is strictly Avengers-space, and returning to the Tower felt like returning home. still While you hear the interns 40 floors below us drinking coffee or turning screws, I hear the woman walking 6 blocks away, wearing stilettos and at this moment, sobbing because 5 blocks away from her current location, 15 minutes ago, her boyfriend broke up with her. Steve snaps into action, moving forward to stand between Bucky and the younger. (See the end of the work for more notes and other works inspired by this one.). Peter grabs his suitcase, and they walk down a hall with rows and rows of doors. "No-don't do this. It bothers Peter but he didnt have enough information-- making the decision as the elevator doors slide open and Sam leads him to what will be his room for however long that hes staying here-- He tapped his fingers against the cool granite as he risked a glance at the two avengers standing slightly off to the side, waiting patiently for their sandwiches. The work you do is important, I get it.

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avengers fanfiction peter flinches