The nice people (esp. So much so, that I feel its only fair to profess that Pirate Kake has a number of admirable attributes that fellow latakiaphiles will most certainly applaud. I really like this tobacco once in a while, not an everyday smoke. Details. It wasn't quite floral. The tobacco smokes evenly, and burns to a white ash afterwards. Smooth, spicy, with some of the thickest, whitest smoke I have seen. This was confirmed by the frequent relights during the first half of the bowl - mea culpa. I was impressed with their giving it to me; it was a very attractive perfect little brick that I kept on my desk for a many months, just admiring its geometry and composition. Pirate Kake is a good tobacco to close a late evening, to compliment a strong cup of coffe, or when you just need a strong latakia fix. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. If any ever wondered what Dunhill's My Mixture #10 was like, this is it sans cavendished Virginias. I can hardly wait to see how this tastes a couple of years down the road. I like to smoke upon occasion - not something I break out often but when I do I really enjoy it. Delicious flavors mend together and form a smooth, rich English blended by the tobacco gods themselves. It was overwhelming! Put down the 1-Q, step out of the candy aisle of the tobacco world, and enjoy a truly flavorful tobacco. A wonderful smoke! Highly recommended for those that heartily enjoy latakia, like I do. I just love it! Not that I wouldn't take one, but nothing will influence what I smoke or how much I like it. When put up against any of these blends, even C&D's Star of the East, Pirate Kake just isn't as interesting. Pipes; Tobacco; Accessories / Misc; Info The Pipe Nook PO Box 599 Cantonment, FL 32533 Call us at 850-610-2032 It may be strong enough that you might want to store it in the garage so it does not influence your tobacco collection. Room note? 4 stars. Cornell and Diehl Pirate Kake Tobacco $11.05 G.L. I love it! Finally another Latakia forward mixture without any Virginia. Caution: it is such an unforgettable smoke, your pipe will keep reminding you of it no matter what else you smoke in it. A single step goes in all directions. Intensified if you will. Avast! Maybe once a week. Although PK is very obviously a strong lat bomb, I found it to be remarkably smooth, much more so than Star of the East and that PK is actually one of the finest smokes I have had the pleasure of smoking. Definitely now in my rotation. Its a circus sideshow blend, taking its place on stage next to the Bearded Lady and Mr. Lifto (google him, kids.) January 16, 2023. I also had trouble keeping it lit, and it was not the easiest to rub out from the rock hard cake bar it comes in. Finally getting to share my review on Cornell and Deihl's Pirate Kake!!! The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. This blend is a real treat. can coax a fair deal more complexity out of it than I recall from the old days. Break off a piece of this "dark chocolate" brownie, break it up, and stuff away. If you like a whole lotta Latakia, go for it. As an interval, you get some sweetness and more often some sourness, all this in a good way. Detailed segmentation of international and local products. Your preparation and patience will pay off, by God. Tin note is great with lots of wood smoke, some pine, oriental tobacco, and slight creosote. Let tobacco dry out some and keep your pipe cool. On a side note I smoked my first bowl in the cabin an hour before my wife got home and I'm sleeping in the doghouse tonight. I enjoy English blends regularly but not exclusively. A word about the aroma, I always thought this would send people running, but the other day I was with three other guys smoking cigars when I lit some PK, they all said how great it smelled. It lights easily and stays lit. Theyre just a better smoke. Burns well and leaves a soft, fine ash. The cake itself has that delicious campfire aroma to it, but it doesn't seem to come out as much in the bowl. After trying a few Latakia blends I thought I might be up to the task of trying this tobacco. I like burley. And that was only through the nose. , . I also have it blended 50/50 with My Mixture 965. With the majority of this being Latakia, you should know what to expect. It looked so strong and foreboding in the pouch that I refrained from whittlin' a chunk for quite some time. Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. This was a blend I have been searching for because I love latakia but it is such a mild to medium and just tends to be low on the nicotine level sadly. It's Latakia in overwhelming amounts. Get some. I bought in a half pound of PK and Star of the East a month or so ago and am very happy that I decided to try this beautiful cake. Of course I recognize that there are some people whose tongues are so scorched and their palettes so brutalized by lat bombs, that they will gladly go down with this ship. The Burley is woody and dry, but are detectable in this smoke. A few more than average relights are required and that is okay with me. The great thing about smoking a bowl of this is that it's the same through- out. But not just any Latakia. Indeed smoking of this tobacco is a spiritual experience! Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. This is a sit down and do nothing else but smoke tobacco. It takes a bit of patience to light, but once it gets going it lasts for a very long time. This stuff is fantastic with a very rich latakia taste and a elegant plume of white fragrant smoke. It's smooth as butter on the retro. Islay malt scotch and rose water, as in a smokey, brine, iodine, perfume, incense sort of way. It is pretty straightforward with its flavors , but in an enjoyable way, and as I said before it is a very cool and smooth smoke. Surprisingly it is only medium strong. This C&D offering does at the very least beg one question. I didn't find this blend to change much in the bowl. Not a good tobacco for a newbie or someone who likes aromatics. It has a smokey sweetness to it that I have not detected in any other blend. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. It smells amazing." Also, clean the pipe after each use, as this stuff will lead a silty residue. I took this to mean that the Pirate Kake was very moist - and that is the case. Upon opening I was greeted with the smell of a thousand campfires. Updated 11/2/11- Well after a few months to breath and a different pipe ( if that is what one calls an Ozark Cherry Wood, original review was with a cob ), this blend is complex, without heat, creamy , cheezy and a keeper. First its a great tasting Lat-Tobacco. A very straight and narrow taste profile with hardly any change. Ive stocked u p on this so i can get the aged/cured effect!! Worth a try if you love the dark stuff, but be careful with it - it can knock you back. I found this best in a small bowl as it can get kind of boring to my tastes in a large bowl. Nice and creamy latakia, indeed. I recommend this blend without any reservation. It reminded me of smoking a burnt out matchstick or if you were to smoke the smoke off of a meat smoker. Forgive my lengthy prelude. This is where the hassle becomes worthwhile. Surprisingly the nicotine content is not that high, mind you Latakia on its own is no Howitzer either. Thanks C&D! I use English Oriental very lightly packed. I am on my second tin now. Works well. I don't know how long it will take me to smoke all this, but since I like to do a Latakia mainline once in a while just for a change, I will not mind having this in my cellar. And this from a lady who smokes Balkan and English blends herself. This blend is GREAT! I was always a little leary of the thought of pirates boarding my ship and plundering it - however, if they bring a Kake of this along, I will welcome them aboard! I got a free sample of this with my last order and can't say enough good about it. I love it. Its a big black latakia-screaming block. I poured about a tablespoonful of the rum into the bag and sealed it back up. Slightly sweet, smokey, a bit of complexity from the orientals, very little bite. This was not a very complex blend regarding variance in flavor, but it was a good smoke. Not my all day smoke after work I have me a The tobacco seems dry enough when being rubbed out but is hard to keep lit without drying. PK has the reputation for being a Lat bomb, but it is actually a nice and smooth smoke. I find that by the time I get to the last 1/3 of the bowl, I'm on overload. This is by far my all time favorite tobacco. Flavoring? In fact, it isn't fit to be called a blend at all since it is the same as smoking straight latakia, not a blend of different tobaccos. Taste is very smooth, strong and stinky. I would truly smoke this over a lot of other sought after blends. I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. For the Latakia lover who doesn?t care about anything else in the blend, this is probably the blend to get. Comparisons are almost always inadequate and mistakenly imply some presumtion of superiority. Tobacco being one of them. Oh and it happens to just be the perfect pairing with a dark cup of muddy coffee. It's incense like. Similar Blends: GL Pease Odyssey and Quiet Nights.. Pirate Kake boasts a whopping 75% latakia, so if you don't like latakia you'll probably want to pass on this one. Overall, a good smooth smoke that had no bite. The smokiness was evident through the unopened box. And I would have to agree. I have to have a cup or two or three of coffee (or something stronger) with a bowl of this stuff. I'm then not particularly surprised that this cake burns nice and cool. No, that isn?t a bad thing! I also detected an unusual Oriental scent when snorked, hold on.., it's a freshly split oak log with shellac coating scent ( Turkish?, Burley?),. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. Firstly, it has smoothed out quite a lot from the way I remember it. The Latakia is of inferior quality and the blend opposes itself to the point of the abusing the poor sucker who smokes it. Right next to SPC Mississippi River and Plum Pudding. (shipping weight 1 lb) Home Customer Service Contact Us Customer Reviews I had forgotten how much I like this stuff, but I still don't consider it one of my regular smokes. Cornell & Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Pipe Tobacco - I will gladly "walk the plank" with this pirate anytime! I highly recommend this blend to the inner-pirate in everyone! Poi conoscendo come lavora Craig Tarler non si pu trattare di errore. I like them when they're blended together. C&D Pirate Kake was among them. I suspect that how much one likes Latakia is in direct proportion to how much one will like the cake. The krumble kake is easy to worth with, the moisture level is great, lights and stays lit well, the mouthfeel is creamy and thick, the flavor (if you're into lat-bombs) is top-notch. I love Latakia. I love Latakia but just why. It's my go-to comfort smoke. I really don't think I will buy again as this is very one dimensional. My favorite so far. Exhale through the nose, and thats it. I love lats but to be honest they mostly taste the same to me (mostly but there are plenty of exceptions) and judging by the aroma I figured thatd be The case. This blend is a perfect example of how tobacco mixtures can be full flavored but still fall flat due to lack of nuance & slight to moderate shifts in complexity. It's got full-on flavor and is comprised of quality leaf. This is not a complex smoke. Leaving a creamy and peppery aftertaste that lingers, this is a modest Latakia bomb, and maybe my favourite Latakia blend yet! 4-stars. How much latakia is too much? A hack I do with cake when loading the bowl is use a good ribbon cut as the first pinch. This stuff is fantastic if you want to piss off non smokers. Most say it reminds them of a nice woodsmoke campfire. For it IS a fun and unique tobacco. Whenever I've had non-aromatics, I've felt like they've tasted like a combination of BBQ sauce and soap, and this wasn't much different. I'll be honest. With a remarkable production of creamy smoke, an scandalous room prescence, and an ever-present, in-your-face overdose of Latakia, this blend is too much good stuff. I believe this is the same blend as BF sans the rum. Like Latakia? I would never have purchased this by just reading the 75 % Latakia, but trying this in the sampler was a very nice surprise! I'm a Virginia flake and "Balkan" guy and these are now put back into the cellar!!! Needs some dryout time or you may get a toungue bite. LATAKIA! Yes, a lot of Latakia, but I agree with several reviewers who used Pirate Kake as an example of how high Latakia content does not equate to overly strong. One dimensional taste. Taste is med to full and cons istent throughout. I take advantage of a small sunny clearing in a cloudy week for a moped ride, and a small pipe break by the river. Tecnicamente un prodotto eccellente, fuma in modo impeccabile, ma alla fine non rimane nel cuore, solo nella mente. Pirate Kake is distantly similar in taste to CAO's Old Ironsides, but the Latakia content here is much more overwhelming. Its not an everyday smoke but is a great go to when in need of a latakia fix. Room note? Smooth, super tasty. The flavor is smooth and fulfilling. I was almost tempted to take a big bite off the brownie. 2 Stars is tepid recommendation denoting some value but not likely to buy again. A few lights required to get it going. Delicious and not overbearing although it is heavier than most other blends, and it should be, because thats w hat it was blended to be. I would not suggest it to an unexperienced mainly aromatics smoker butif you enjoy classic english mixtures or perhaps good dark flakes do not miss it. It must be sipped , that way you bring in the Turkish as a minor player next to the Latakia. __________ must downgrade to 3 stars due to certain dullness after some tins smoked, or maybe compared to Penzance. This is a smooth, robust tobacco, with awesome smokey , and nutty, and woody tastes. Has a waxy essence to it and if you enjoy Latakia this will be a go to blend. It was around 1999 and I had not been long into pipe smoking. Reviewers on Leafly say this strain makes them feel relaxed, sleepy, and hungry. Yes, there are others - not better, simply different. Neptune's trousers! I smoked about ten pipe fulls and was ready to sue by the last bowl. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) The scent and taste are both compkex. Note: not for young smokers - this tobacco requires however some experience! 210 Per OZ Ratings17 $3.29 Burning pyres to the ancient Sumerian gods in Babylon. Conclusion: A very interesting and heavy blend. I find this gets me closest to memories of my beloved Coyote Classic , . I just ordered more of this cake and can't wait to see what age does to its already perfect cake!!! Hey gang! The aftertaste is also delightful as the smoke and peat keep going after the pipe is done. I love Lat. As other reviews state, it is not for the light Latakia smoker, I believe this in on par with many other Latakia heavy blends, if not heavier. It seems, pretty much everything has been said already about this blend! Maybe once a week. Strength: Room Note: Taste: WOW August 10, 2017 By: Nick b. Tin note if a face full of campfire and creosote, and love it! The tobacco's are easily discernible, and while the Latakia is up front and not hiding, they are in fact well balanced. Not for anyone shy about Latakia, nicotine, or burley. Appearance is a pressed briquette ("krumble kake"), rubs out to a coarse mixture of pieces and ribbon. It is a little less dense than others I've had and also not at all wet, for me it is presented with perfect moisture content, but some may find it a touch dry. While it lacks the subtle complexity of Esoterica's "Penzance," PK delivers a lovely, creamy, cool smoke that leaves amazing flavors on the palate. That is a very good blend but its not a lat bomb. However, to me, this blend is terrific. The cake crumbles good and packs well, I like to put the finer rubbed out pieces in the bottom and top with some fat chunks in the middle. Flavor - Yep, that's latakia! I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. One of the best tobacco's I have tried.Superior in every has an interesting sour note in a good way. Tobacco is soft and dry. I ordered 4 oz. Quiet Nights as my favorite. As others have mentioned, Pirate Kake would probably blend very well with FVF, or other sweet, full bodied, predominately English or Virginia blends. Is it a Lat-heavy blend that explodes your palate in such a way as to make any and all future Latakia blends unpalatable? The expression Lat-Bomb has always been tossed about in such a disparaging way, I always assumed the term to be a pejorative one. Small pipes just do not do this blend justice. . I order this in bulk, not my usual choice. I smoke mostly Aromatics and got this as a free sample. All she said was ?that smells kinda strong.? I tried this blend which came recommended by my tobacconist, knowing that Old Ironsides is discontinued, and soon will be impossible to aquire. Strong Latakia presence with Orientals for a rich, silky, cool smoke. Easy to rate, easy peasy: highly recommended. I am really starting to sound old (58). After having Covid in January, I discovered some of my olfactory senses didn't completely return for certain things. Yes, this blend deserves that much respect. But this still is a good and rough almost pure Latakia island for Pirates! Mind you, I don't regret trying itthe tobacco's were good quality, it's just that this blend is not for me. Troppo Latakia? At certain point, I just want a bludgeoning of Latakia. Flavorful. This may very well go up to four stars then. Add to cart. Pirate Kake has got you covered. First is a plum and woodsy taste, different than I thought this blend isn't aggressive, your smoke is creamy and fill your mouth. But it is a flawed treasure. What I find Surprising straight away is that having imagined this a heavy smoke, it is quite the opposite. The crumble cake breaks into a beautifully easy to pack shag that makes the tobacco burn very well. I have heard a lot about this lat bomb and I was ready to explode it in my den. Its true what you all are saying! Penzance is good but it has no taste next to this. A gold-hearted thug of a blend. It has a lot of similarities to Penzance (including the iodine note identified by reviewer," GSTQ 12/27/2011" ). Performance: A very cool burning blend. Smoky and tastygreat room note and a delight to smoke! I think the blend meets the goal of a fine tobacco that is easy for most to enjoy. I'm an experimenter, though, so I try all styles. Occasional notes of dark baker's chocolate, hickory, and brine. It's one that I keep stocked and ensure that I do not run out. Well I was hoping to find something very strong as it's a Latakia Bomb but NO! Age When Smoked: Fresh, as far as I can tell. During the smoke this left a sweet, rich, smoky aftertaste and after the smoke the same aftertaste that was pleasant for over an hour. For three years now Ive been reading about Lat-Bombs in countless reviews, and I kept scratching my head: Ive smoked lots of blends with Latakia so what the hell is a Lat-Bomb? Not an all day smoke, but a must try for the latakia/english lovers. If you enjoy Latakia (and I do), you'll love it. She's OK with Nightcap, so that tells you how strong this one is. I reccomend this to someone looking for the strongest possible dose of latakia. What a smoke! A must try for the latakia lover . Now that I am a major ity of the time pipe smoker, I enjoy a piratey blend like this. Bomb". E99 is not as sweet and doesn't bring much Oriental and is very one dimensional. When smoked immediately after opening the package, the aroma becomes watery, so it is best to let it dry. It does stay lit well. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning : r/PipeTobacco I even find myself occasionaly inhaling this, something I rarely ever do when smoking a pipe. Try it! Its taken to long to write this. As it happens, latakia on its own is quite mild. I don't even jar this stuff, just keep it in the container. Updated 10/13/12- I ordered another Bulk batch of this blend, rubbed it all out, let it rest for about a month and I have to say, "this is outstanding". I enjoyed it immensely and it really fed the itch for something different. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake | Premium Pipe Tobacco | Mom's Cigars I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. Central to the belief of Twelver Shiism was the idea that. I also pickup some oriental mustiness but unlike most English blends, this has zero balance the oriental is an afterthought that you pickup on the exhale but not when the smoke is in your piehole. I appreciate GLP Maltese Falcon and Odissey, that I find more enjoyable and round than this. Smoke a bowl in the morning and you will taste it all day. But I give it credit for it?s unique presentation and the courage to produce it at all. The other reviews describe it well.

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pirate kake pipe tobacco