No. Each certificate holder must properly maintain each marking, sign, or lighting system installed and operated on the airport. Organization and Purpose (2) Are authorized by the Administrator at the time the construction, reconstruction, or expansion began if construction, reconstruction, or significant expansion of the runway or taxiway began on or after January 1, 1988. (1) Each petition filed under this paragraph must -. 41104(b). Twelve consecutive calendar months for records of inspection of airport fueling agents, as required under 139.321. (c) Reduction in rescue and firefighting. Such records must be maintained for 24 consecutive calendar months after completion of training. (3) Immediately after an accident or incident. Identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas. 139.319 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements. 106(g), 40113, 44701-44706, 44709, 44719. (e) Lighting interference. ( b) Increase in Index. Each certificate holder who deviates from a requirement under this section must, within 14 days after the emergency, notify the Regional Airports Division Manager of the nature, extent, and duration of the deviation. (2) On the Regional Airports Division Manager's own . (f) Each certificate holder must obtain a written confirmation once every 12 consecutive calendar months from each airport tenant fueling agent that the training required by paragraph (e) of this section has been accomplished. The Index is determined by a combination of -, (1) The length of air carrier aircraft and. (a) An applicant or a certificate holder may petition the Administrator under 14 CFR part 11, General Rulemaking Procedures, of this chapter for an exemption from any requirement of this part. Duration: 12 min Test Available Operations/Maintenance (5) Self-inspection. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the maintenance and configuration of paved areas that are acceptable to the Administrator. (b) In complying with paragraph (a) of this section, use the NOTAM system, as appropriate, and other systems and procedures authorized by the Administrator. (d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the development of Airport Certification Manuals that are acceptable to the Administrator. (3) Furnish the applicable portions of the approved Airport Certification Manual to airport personnel responsible for its implementation. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004, unless otherwise noted. (5) Prompt notification, in accordance with 139.339, of all air carriers using the airport when any portion of the movement area normally available to them is less than satisfactorily cleared for safe operation by their aircraft. (1) Keep its Airport Certification Manual current at all times; (2) Maintain at least one complete and current copy of its approved Airport Certification Manual on the airport, which will be available for inspection by the Administrator; and. 14 CFR Part 139, Certification of Airports - YouTube (j) Hazardous materials guidance. Aeronautics and Space Chapter I. Duties Performs multiple, varying and complex assignments under the minimal direction of a manager. (b) Fencing that meets the requirements of applicable FAA and Transportation Security Administration security regulations in areas subject to these regulations is acceptable for meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(l) of this section. CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS. (b) Each certificate holder shall adopt and comply with an Airport Certification Manual as required under 139.203. (1) Prompt removal or control, as completely as practical, of snow, ice, and slush on each movement area; (2) Positioning snow off the movement area surfaces so all air carrier aircraft propellers, engine pods, rotors, and wing tips will clear any snowdrift and snowbank as the aircraft's landing gear traverses any portion of the movement area; (3) Selection and application of authorized materials for snow and ice control to ensure that they adhere to snow and ice sufficiently to minimize engine ingestion; (4) Timely commencement of snow and ice control operations; and. (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. These objects must be constructed, to the extent practical, on frangibly mounted structures of the lowest practical height, with the frangible point no higher than 3 inches above grade. (a) The applicant provides written documentation that air carrier service will begin on a date certain. In such a case, the Regional Airports Division Manager incorporates the finding of the emergency and a brief statement of the reasons for the finding in the notice of the amendment. (c) In complying with paragraph (a) of this section, provide information on the following airport conditions that may affect the safe operations of air carriers: (1) Construction or maintenance activity on movement areas, safety areas, or loading ramps and parking areas. The wildlife hazard assessment must contain at least the following: (1) An analysis of the events or circumstances that prompted the assessment. The certificate holder must notify the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Manager immediately when noncompliance is discovered and corrective action cannot be accomplished within a reasonable period of time. (j) Methods and procedures. Scheduled operation means any common carriage passenger-carrying operation for compensation or hire conducted by an air carrier for which the air carrier or its representatives offers in advance the departure location, departure time, and arrival location. (eg: The amendment becomes effective not less than 30 days after the certificate holder receives notice of it, except that, prior to the effective date, the certificate holder may petition the Associate Administrator for Airports to reconsider the amendment, in which case its effective date is stayed pending a decision by the Associate Administrator for Airports. You are using an unsupported browser. full text search results Each holder of a Class II, III, or IV Airport Operating Certificate must implement the requirements of this section no later than 36 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. That statutory provision contains stand-alone requirements for such air carriers and special exceptions for operations in Alaska and outside the United States. Each applicant for, or holder of, an Airport Operating Certificate must allow the Administrator to make any inspections, including unannounced inspections, or tests to determine compliance with 49 U.S.C. (b) Under 49 U.S.C. [Doc. (iii) Instrument landing system (ILS) critical area signs. Each vehicle required under 139.317 must be equipped with two-way voice radio communications that provide for contact with at least -. Airport emergency plan c. Notification of the emergency etc. (2) All other employees who fuel aircraft, accept fuel shipments, or otherwise handle fuel must receive at least initial on-the-job training and recurrent instruction every 24 consecutive calendar months in fire safety from the supervisor trained in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the equipment, material, installation, and maintenance of marking, sign, and lighting systems listed in this section that are acceptable to the Administrator. Shared-use airport means a U.S. Gov-ernment-owned airport that is co-lo-cated with an airport specified under 139.1(a) and at which portions of the . eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) The curriculum for initial and recurrent training must include at least the following areas: (i) Airport familiarization, including airport signs, marking, and lighting. 14 CFR Part 139 has not been revised since 1987, but industry practices and technology have changed. (ii) One vehicle carrying an amount of water and the commensurate quantity of AFFF so the total quantity of water for foam production carried by both vehicles is at least 1,500 gallons. (a) An index is required by paragraph (c) of this section for each certificate holder. (a) No person shall make or cause to be made: (1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false statement on any application for a certificate or approval under this part. (a) Prevent the construction of facilities on its airport that, as determined by the Administrator, would derogate the operation of an electronic or visual NAVAID and air traffic control facilities on the airport; (b) Protect - or if the owner is other than the certificate holder, assist in protecting - all NAVAIDS on its airport against vandalism and theft; and. (d) Make a record of all training completed after June 9, 2004 by each individual in compliance with this section that includes, at a minimum, a description and date of training received. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for ARFF equipment and extinguishing agents that are acceptable to the Administrator. A record for each individual must be maintained for 24 consecutive months after the termination of an individual's access to movement areas and safety areas. For each runway available for air carrier use, a supplemental wind cone must be installed at the end of the runway or at least at one point visible to the pilot while on final approach and prior to takeoff. (d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the conduct of airport self-inspections that are acceptable to the Administrator. Joint-use airport means an airport owned by the Department of Defense, at which both military and civilian aircraft make shared use of the airfield. 14 CFR PART 139. (a) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may operate an airport specified under 139.1 of this part without an Airport Operating Certificate or in violation of that certificate, the applicable provisions, or the approved Airport Certification Manual. Any limitations imposed by the Administrator, 4. (1) To the extent practicable, provisions for medical services, including transportation and medical assistance for the maximum number of persons that can be carried on the largest air carrier aircraft that the airport reasonably can be expected to serve; (2) The name, location, telephone number, and emergency capability of each hospital and other medical facility and the business address and telephone number of medical personnel on the airport or in the communities it serves who have agreed to provide medical assistance or transportation; (3) The name, location, and telephone number of each rescue squad, ambulance service, military installation, and government agency on the airport or in the communities it serves that agrees to provide medical assistance or transportation; (4) An inventory of surface vehicles and aircraft that the facilities, agencies, and personnel included in the plan under paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) of this section will provide to transport injured and deceased persons to locations on the airport and in the communities it serves; (5) A list of each hangar or other building on the airport or in the communities it serves that will be used to accommodate uninjured, injured, and deceased persons; (6) Plans for crowd control, including the name and location of each safety or security agency that agrees to provide assistance for the control of crowds in the event of an emergency on the airport; and.

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14 cfr part 139 airport certification