Do not cut cuticles or ingrown nails. 4 days after having it I was so sick I could not go to work. And pineapple sounds a good idea too! I was diagnosed in Feb 2013 and had a rt mastectomy op in March. Talk to your healthcare team for helpful tips on dealing with this side effect. Stay strong honey xxxxxxxxxxx, Thank you Lainey66, I will give Kin gingival a try as I feel I am in a vicious circle of mouth problems making eating difficult and tablets which need to be taken with food. Try to get up and about rather than stay in bed - it was better for me to keep as active as I could and just didn't do anything at all on the really low days. We've heard that the Taxol is a lot easier. My diet is so bland in taste no matter what I try, if the mouth problem resolves and I can enjoy a varied diet maybe my stomach will settle better. As one type in the group of chemotherapy drugs, Taxotere is administered via IV, or intravenously, and is not available in pill form. You should not drive after the infusion until you know how it will affect you. For cycle 2 I used a great mouthwash - Difflam and have had no sore mouth problems since. How Do Postcards Remain Ideal to Use in 2020? You should let the oncology care team know if you experience numbness or tingling in the hands and/or feet, as they may need to adjust the doses of your medication. On Taxol I was comnpletely exhausted on days 2 - 6 and napping/resting did not help at all. I went back to work on Tuesday, but wasn't feeling the greatest. Chemotherapy kills regular cells, as well as cancer cells, and this is why side effects occur . due my third and and final Doxetacel next week, I am dreading it as it has taken me a whole 2 weeks to recover and I am still exhausted by 4pm!! Taxotere injections can cause serious and life-threatening fluid retention(edema). I know what to expect now and feel better prepared for chemo cycle 5, 2nd of Docetaxel . In fact, Taxol is the top-selling cancer drug worldwide. Even my vision has been effected. I wish you the best with these meds. Signs of a reaction can include: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, trouble swallowing, chest pain, rash, flushing, hives or itching or a decrease in blood pressure. In some ways was easier, in others was more taxing (pun intended)! Really, you already have otherwise you wouldn't be 4 sessions down with only 2 more to go. Common reported side effects of Taxotere (docetaxel) include: Injection site pain or swelling Temporary hair loss Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Constipation Loss of appetite Fingernail or toenail changes Is day 4 the worst day? It won't be long until you to are in a position to help others with your experiences of the journey we all find ourselves on. I know that treats are not offically a cure but i try and put nice things in the bad days so not everything is about cancer . My concern is that with my weight, history of smoking and alcohol my body will not tolerate all of this. I'm on my 6th Dox this week, (last one) and I mentioned to my oncologist on 3rd dose that i was awake ALL night on the steroids - I had been prescribed 8mg Dexamethasone twice daily starting day before and finishing on day after Dox. Thank you for the support, hope you are doing well. But by my third week I felt somewhat normal, would tire quick but normal. Carry on being her strength and pass on my love to her xx. I am sorry to read that the chemo is hitting you so hard.If there is a magic answer i never found it but the things that were usefull to me were -dont eat befor chemo and walk afterwards.If you can get your body going-even if it is to the end of the road and back and you feel like **** I found it seemed to get your system going at least a bit. You may dislike foods or beverages that you liked before receiving cancer treatment. 01-06-2015 02:21. Today is the first day of actually feeling better after first cycle of Docetaxel, I am going to enjoy this last week before the next cycle of chemo starts. Today it was announced that his name would be on a car at Le Mans. It is a combination of two chemotherapy medicines: Docetaxel (Taxotere) Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) Docetaxel is a type of chemotherapy medicine called an taxane. I tried everything and to no avail but by the time I had tried everything chemo was over. I found it helped a great deal so I do hope you get to enjoy yours. Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug made by Sanofi-Aventis. Docetaxel can cause a dose-related reversible sensory neuropathy. She only took that a couple of times. But then again what do I know? APAP vs. CPAP: Whats the Best Machine for Sleep Apnea? Your physician will order lab tests throughout your treatment to keep an eye on your levels. I am just unfortunate to get them all. I have finished 4 cycles so far with 4 more to go. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can significantly increase the blood levels of DOCEtaxel. I had the first T on Wednesday, was too sick to work come Monday, even worse come Thursday and in Hospital with Sepsis come Friday! Recurrence of endometrial cancer in lymph nodes. I would go to work when I was able to and just did what I could. As long as I moved and tried to do those things, even though I felt crappy, I would always feel better afterwards. Eating a healthy diet helps you deal with side effects and fight infections. Everything tasted like cardboard, which sucked because I love to eat. X, Hi sorry to hear it is so terrible for you they may need to up your anti nausea meds this happened to me at the start but once the added in onother anti nausea drug it was much better talk to your nurse there must be something to improve your side effects, Thinking of you hugs and best wishes you can do this , Thanks Mags for your message. Hope you are well now too. I have been doing research and have learned of some pretty serious side, i.e., mouth sores, possible stroke or heart attack, loss of hair, I think one person even said they'd lost a toe! May your good health continue. The most common chemotherapy drug for prostate cancer is docetaxel (Taxotere), which is usually given with prednisone, a steroid medicine. Taxotere is a mitotic inhibitor that interferes with your bodys cell division process. Your nurse will check you for signs of a reaction during your treatment. The side effects from that have been enoughpoor gut. When working in your yard, wear protective clothing including long pants and gloves. Actually, I had a really nice time as it was. I was given Co-Codomol 500mg at the hospital when my temperature spiked. I think I am coming to the end of feeling like I have hit by a bus with the chronic aches in all my joints and bones. Pineapple is good for helping the nasty taste and I know someone who sucked frozen pineapple cubes and this helped her a lot. The problem some people run into with Taxotere is that the hair loss can sometimes be permanent. Eyes watery but ok. My doctors have been very good and have assured me that they caught it early. Docetaxel also was found to be highly effective in patients with a poor prognosis, having metastases in three or more organs (53%), and/or visceral sites of disease (47%). I still have a mountain to climb with surgery and radio therapy but it can't be any worse than this. If you feel unwell or have any of these signs, tell them straight away. Had a DIEP flap reconstruction in August 2016 and am currently waiting to get my date for another op to uplift and reduce my right boob to match the new one. Each course of chemotherapy lasts for 8 weeks. BRADY will provide the official @Hertz Team @JotaSport kit, as well . For at least 48 hours after you receive a dose, avoid allowing your body fluids to come into contact with your hands or other surfaces. DelveInsight has compiled the symposium's major highlights so that one does not miss out on these expansions . The median overall survival (OS) was 81 months . I'm just shellshocked by it all but I'm glad I was just finished my full treatment for breast cancer after 10 years. Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. We needed to make a spread sheet of what pills to take and when. I ended up in hospital 4 days after treatment.. A week later and I still can't get out of bed! Many women who receive taxane -based chemotherapy to treat breast cancer experience long-term peripheral neuropathy, according to follow-up data from a large clinical trial. Differences in clearance for the two PRINT particles suggest that shape plays a role in reducing clearance by the MPS and enhancing tumor delivery. TC ( Taxotere and cyclophosphamide) is a common chemotherapy regimen given for localized breast cancers that require chemotherapy. I have just had 4 cycles of FEC and other than the 3rd one, coped OK and carried on working a combination of at home and in work on my good week. I know the taste thing lasts for a while but I crave something good to eat. I would have Gemcitabine on week one. Copyright @ 2019 | All Right Reserved. xx, I'm with you on this I was the same didn't think I could go on but you do, I'm all done & back to work & back to normal (as normal as can be) good luck keep strong , Thank you for sharing your experience it help me know that it can be done. Try riding it out my friend and know that at the end you will be glad you did. Its common to lose hair when youre undergoing cancer treatments. The dosage and schedule are determined by the person's size and type of cancer. Do not floss or use toothpicks and use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth. Other effects for me are tingling in feet, skin peeling off, mostly in feet, toe nails highly sensitive. Please. But they had to keep treating her with antibiotics on the off chance it was an infection. The first couple really werent too bad. Don't plan your chemo response until you've gone through your first infusion. This study found that women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer did benefit from getting a taxane. Sounds like you have had quite a week, similar to mine. So close to week three now, exercise nil, so bored with all the sofa days. At least with experiencing this cycle we will be more prepared. After that, I have been okay - really tired and nothing tastes good so I am not eating well - but I learned from my first course of chemo that ended in April that I need to sleep when I am tired, so sometimes when I get home from work, I go right to sleep. Not able to advise, but sending loads of hugs to get you through this traumatic part of your journey xxxxxxxx, You haven't gone wrong Dolbycat, as you said it effects everyone differently. We think its important to know what you might expect on your worst days on Taxotere. Overall I did find the T harder than Fec but others say they found it the other way around so it's just pot luck really. The mouth issues I suffered with all the way through chemo (didn't have thrush) but would say the mouth part was my worst SE. And there is no normal feeling throughout the 3 weeks. It really helped me that there was a gap between the two sets of chemo cycles, gave me a chance to recover a bit from the taxotere before starting the treatments again. It takes the edge off the pain which means taking paracetamol with it actually works. This may vary depending on whether the number of blood cells has returned to normal between each cycle. Get the latest cancer stories, helpful resources, and personalized advice directly to your inbox. Treatment . Hopefully the extra meds your gp has prescribed will manage the thrush. A week later, I would have another dose of Gemcitabine and an hour of Taxotere. Here are six ways to keep your body healthy during chemotherapy treatment: Boost your nutrition. I am definitely not one of those people who gain weight due to chemo. These symptoms can last for several months or longer after treatment ends. Progression-free survival was 2-3 months for both groups. Give yourself a great big pat on the back, you are nearly there!!! Anyway, like you im a very positive person, was dealing very well with it all, had 3 rounds of EC first.. Now two rounds left of Docetaxal.. Im floored.. Dragged myself to picc line clean at hospital.bad mistake, will have district nurse call next time. Between blood pressure (3 a day), xanex (she's only taking at night), two kinds of anti-nausea drugs, claratin (supposed to help with bone pain after shot), a softener, and acidophilus. Tax is bad, next time compounded it might be worse, roll on July! TAXOTERE (docetaxel) injection, for intravenous use . I have other family and friends help but they have their own lives that need to go on. I had my last taxen (chemo) two weeks ago and felt okay the first three days and then it hits. I had to be hospitalized twice due to intractable nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. TAXOTERE (docetaxel) Injection Concentrate is a clear yellow to brownish-yellow viscous solution. The Herceptin I will take until December 2013. Anemia, or a shortage of red blood cells, can make you very tired. There are several things you can do to prevent or relieve constipation. Of course, we each respond as individuals. You may experience a metallic taste or find that food has no taste at all. 10 year old is self sufficient. Certain cancer treatments can cause sores or soreness in your mouth and/or throat. The cycles were repeated every 3 weeks for 3 . This combination of meds had the remarkable result of shrinking my very large tumor by a full 50 percent! Taxotere (docetaxel) is a chemotherapy drug used to treat a variety of cancer types including non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and head and neck cancer. Docetaxel is a microtubule inhibitor used to slow cell growth. The ninth-largest drop was . Been told its best to as it helps the operation be morebsuccessful. She is also tired of taking pills. I want to speak with the Oncologist about the strength of Docetxel used it it seems very high at 200mg. So I am sorry to confirm what you already know - the Taxotere is s*** and much more agressive than the FEC but you will get to the end of it. In the larger STAMPEDE trial (2962 patients), adding docetaxel to standard hormonal therapy significantly improved survival among men with newly diagnosed, hormone-nave advanced prostate cancer. Ranking the Cowboys backup QB options from worst to best. Peripheral neuropathy is a toxicity that affects the nerves. It is used as a treatment for various cancers, most notably breast cancer. So my advice is dont be scared to ring the chemo hotline, they know what to advise and whether or not you should go in.. It interferes with the growth of cancer cells, which are eventually destroyed by the body. xx. I was informed that I would need a mastectomy as to the way the tumour is growing in the breast. Good luck , The first dose of docetaxol was the worst for me. Only better during the third week. Taxotere is a strong chemotherapy drug that doctors prescribe to treat certain types of cancer. Shari S. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC),Triple Positive, Stage 4). Hi, I had my 1st infusion of Taxotere on Monday. They started to put another chemical, I dont know what it was, into my infusion bag so that it would help but I still was nauseous and diarrhea would start that day. Amelia L. (Breast Cancer, IDC, Stage 1, ER+, PR+, HER2-). Best of luck to you all xxx, I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People. They had no idea, and still have no idea why her body was reacting the way it was. Basically I'm at my lowest and need positive boost. (Sarcoma, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage 3, Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma [UPS]). 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worst days on taxotere