has none of these characteristics. *Emblems Women use metaphors from the home; men from work. d. selective perception is a time saver, but it can lead to mistakes. b. a direct smile C. Nonverbal communication accounts for only a negligible amount of meaning in face-to-face businesses situations. c. The American "ok" gesture would be inappropriate or offensive in Brazil or Russia. "A m I correct that you told me that . Poor communication can lead to lawsuits. (a) What project do Buddy and his friend undertake each November? To help you become more aware of nonverbal communication in the workplace, here are a few examples: 1. If your posture mirrors that of the person to whom you are speaking, it shows you are not listening and generally, not paying attention to that speaker. a. giving praise If your posture mirrors that of the person to whom you are speaking, it shows you are not listening and generally, not paying attention to that speaker. Nonverbal communication is a type of interpersonal dialogue. Which of the following statements about storytelling is true? Which of the following describes the absence of sound, which we frequently use to convey meaning in conversations? Cool Which Of The Following Statements About Nonverbal Communication Is True References. b. The term referring to the senders attitude toward the self, the message, and the listener is: 79. d. Don't ask obvious questions because it will seem like you weren't listening. True or false: Artifacts are the objects we own and wear to announce our identities and personalize our environments, True or false: The amount of space a person has often directly reflects her or his status, True or false: Greeting behaviors are the same across cultures, True or false: Men are more likely than women to move into another's space. Which of the following are channel of nonverbal communication? Communication that is asynchronous b. e-mail b. meeting Nonverbal communication is more automatic and unconscious than is . As the story about Jill comes on, Martha's mom comes in and asks Martha to get her an eight-ounce can of diced tomatoes. The personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs is c. is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver. Which of the following statements regarding external communications is INCORRECT? Communication can be categorized into three basic types These clusters may cross over and include a variety of nonverbal categories, summarized below. vocal behavior: Pitch, Inflection, Volume, Rate, Filler words, Pronunciation, Articulation, Accent, Silence, Research tells us that when we are looking for opposite-sex romantic partners, we are drawn to people whose natural body scent is the most. Which of the following could be considered paralanguage? Good eye contact is another essential nonverbal communication skill. d. telling the other person what to do. Match the following descriptors with their correct spacial zones. c. nonverbal, verbal, and written. 55. *Occurs between 0 & 1.5 feet: Intimate distance d. In the United States, the firmer the handshake, the better. a. telephone conversation d. written, 25. . a. 4.It is okay to only focus your attention on one or two speakers in a . She is preparing a list of ways to improve one's active listening. d. a sweepstakes form. c. refraining from asking senders any questions about their messages. This is evidence of the fact that. *Watch the viewers' gestures, expressions, and body movements. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. a. find areas of agreement with the speaker. Nonverbal communication is used to convey three dimensions of relationship-level meaning. An external communication that combines the look of an article with the focused message of an ad is b. selective perception. Martha smiles at Mom and nods and listens to the story on television as she e-mails Sandra and picks up her phone to text Nancy. a. filtering. Advance thank you. If you's like to end a conversation, what nonverbal cue might be effective? (Find filer word). Ariel likely made the mistake because of the _________ in her communication situation. Which of the following is a piece of good advice regarding business e-mails? c. selective judgment Crucial conversations are ones where opinions vary and emotions run strong. Bill is speaking to a group of fellow marketing specialists at a national convention. Which of the following statements about storytelling is INCORRECT? d. written communication. Our gestures and other nonverbal movements are largely habitual and really do not convey much to your audience. *Check out the viewers' view. Voices that have a lot of inflection are usually called expressive, whereas voices with little inflection are referred to as _____. 27. d. chatting about the company's latest email on the firm's holiday party plans. Which of the following describes gestures that control the flow of conversations? b. d. creates a bond between communicators, but does not increase communication flow or accuracy. He opens his presentation with a "dumb blonde joke". d. chatting about the company's latest email on the firm's holiday party plans. *Speak expressively (find invitation of conversation). When we think about communication, we most often focus on how we exchange information using words. To what extent were their goals achieved? *Make sure there's nothing viewable that you don't want to be seen. *Facial displays a. Unfortunately, there is dead silence in the room. d. information overload, Bill is speaking to a group of fellow marketing specialists at a national convention. c. selective perception. What has research shown to be true about nonverbal communication? This scenario focuses on the communication barrier of Nonverbal communication is consistent across cultures. d. Women often jump right into a project while men ask a lot of questions before beginning. What has research shown to be true about nonverbal communication? a. c. 23,290 a. a. verbal communication. A) The increasing use of electronic communication has lessened the importance of nonverbal communication in today's organizations. Martha agrees and heads upstairs to get ready. c. Employees generally distrust their peers as a source of information. Breaking eye contact with the other person. c. Do not use capital letters for your message. Which of the following is nonverbal behavior we exhibit to try and conceal information? (23) Use of restraints must meet the following objectives. While verbal communication is important, humans relied on nonverbal communication for thousands of years before we developed the capability to communicate with words. c. is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver. cultures: Social distance = 4 to 12 feet Press releases are intended to inform employees of happenings within the organization. b. selective perception d. semantics. *Minimize background noise. Place the types of touch into the proper category. b. d. others that are internal to the firm, e.g., those in other departments). *Gaining credibility To promote communicating verbally one must listen, be tolerant and be sensitive to . Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? 30. a. find areas of agreement with the speaker. b. Miscommunication is an annoyance, but seldom has serious consequences. It was a friend who needed an assignment that had been given last week. Original conversation. Correct answers: 1 question: Which example of nonverbal communication does Al Gore use in his NobelPrize acceptance speech?OA. b. c. telephone conversation True or false: Scott and Kate have a disagreement over who should be doing the dishes. 22. D. The meaning of nonverbal communication is less precise than verbal communication. a. E-mails are considered highly information-rich. c. subordinates. c. The key to a successful external communication to customers is to keep the business message formal and professional. b. selective perception b. d. videoconferencing. b. Handheld devices. Simply send your contact information. a. selective perception *Smell A communication receiver who is preparing his comment or answer and not really listening to the sender is 41. d. Only 7% of our message is conveyed through nonverbal communication while 55% is conveyed through the actual words of the message. maximize communication, the nurse should sit: (20) Identify the plan for a patient who has a high risk for falls.. Expert answered|maimai|Points 1915| Which is true about displays of affect (emoticon)? 19. c. When individuals are lying, they blink more frequently, shift their feet, and shrug more often. Select one: a. For each word, write a sentence using the word as a linking verb and another sentence using the verb as an action verb. (find TURN-TAKING SIGNALS), "holds up a finger" & "keeps her eyes on the wall above them", Umi texts his friend Rashid, then calls, then texts again three times. Some companies are so concerned about the amount of e-mail their employees receive that they are instituting "no e-mail Fridays." a. verbal d. noise, 1. He knows it will take the recipient of his communication some time to understand the message conveyed. 20 seconds. A memo is an example of Use of which of the following is a channel of nonverbal communication? 57. b. semantics. b. coordinating and organizing Which of the following would be easiest to decode? Meanings of non verbal behaviors are most often influenced by the communication context & by ones culture. c. In meetings, women tend to withhold their opinions more than men. 1. High Contact cultures: France, Mexico, and Greece Someone else told the teacher you were cheating. b. c. Between 10 and 20 percent of a manager's . d. information overload. He knows it will take the recipient of his communication some time to understand the message conveyed. Which of these statements almost always requires verbal communication and would be difficult to express nonverbally? c. refraining from asking senders any questions about their messages. Weegy: It is the act of conveying a thought, feeling, or idea through physical gestures, posture, and facial expressions. c. emotional disconnects. When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say. Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? a. those external to the organization d. semantics. Nonverbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words. d. information overload, 8. b. c. note all cues. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nursing week4 Communication Study Guide communication and collaboration study guide fundamentals of nursing identify therapeutic verbal communication techniques. a. b. meeting Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? Everything about our voices other than the verbal words we say. b. an advertorial. c. nurse Discuss the phases of the helping relationship. d. decoding, Students come to class and ask why they are not receiving syllabi. c. nonverbal communication. b. Jargon spoken between people from different areas and backgrounds helps them forge a professional bond. Which of the following describes how clearly you speak? c. note all cues. c. a press release. d. listen for message content. a. those external to the organization Even the simple act of looking someone in d. information overload. d. jargon. b. verbal channels. Men and women tend to differ in their communication styles. Chapter 05: Communicating Nonverbally. is less susceptible to misinterpretation. c. Communications experts suggest using "but" not "and" in crucial conversations. A second e-mail just arrived from the friend, which said: "I said the assignment for Monday, this is Wednesday's." When his mother got the e-mail, it took her quite some time to decipher the message. d. ineffective information. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is option B) when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory, receivers often give more weight to the nonverbal signals than to the words. b. Verbal communication and nonverbal communication comprise distinct spheres of interaction and rarely interconnect. In preparing for my Fall course: Communications for Professionals, I've been thinking more and more about the different types of communication. *Regulators Which of the following statements about filtering information is INCORRECT? Which of the following statements about nonverbal cues is accurate? Anna is placing her workgroup's lunch order over the phone with the Pizza Shoppe. Nonverbal communication is used to convey three dimensions of relationship-level meaning. She is making recommendations to a student in a career planning session related to improving the quality of the student's conversation. Joaquin's confusion about American pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior? Correct 3 A person's culture has an influence on his or her use of nonverbal communication. c. emotional disconnects. Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: a. individuals have their own behavioral styles and do not adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others. d. videoconferencing. d. engineer, Which of the following statements about listening is correct? d. public. a. filtering. d. web page, 53. Non-Verbal Question 3: Given below are two statements. Joaquin came to the U.S from Mexico 3 months ago and is still having trouble understanding Americans' tendency to rush all the time. 2. b. d. Empathize with the sender's viewpoint. d. A large portion of e-mails received are either scam or spam attempts. Listening takes practice and concentration. a. You are part of a marketing team that has just secured a contract for a national ad campaign. a. The question "Isn't it?" Active listening involves Nonverbal cues are only minimally important. b. direct communication. d. written, 26. a. a. What is the role of emoticons in nonverbal communications? To not be rude, do not ask questions of the sender. Which statement by a person is true of nonverbal communication or behavior? d. other departments. 16. She is using what type of communication? Managers listen up to 70% of their day. c. can be demonstrated to the sender by nonverbal signals like the nod of a head. Which of the following is not a channel of nonverbal communication? d. is written for many but often read by only a few. a. b. a. written report b. c. Pay attention to what is not said. c. I told the teacher you were cheating. Ad fees are based on the perceived value of the audience who watches, reads or listens to the channel where the ad appears. A professor decides to save paper by posting her syllabus on the university's web-based course application program instead of printing it and handing it out during the first class. d. Although good communication helps retain effective performers, it does not increase a firm's market share. Answers: 1 Get Iba pang mga katanungan: English. a. information-rich channels. d. written, nonverbal, and direct. A key to improving your nonverbal message skills is to be more. The referent in the communication process is: 80. 36. The Correct Option is - It is used to supplement verbal communication as well as to convey meaning on its own. d. ineffective information. d. I may have implied it. Active listening involves c. E-mail is the most popular medium of communication today. *Adaptors. These communication boards can be served as warm and practical additions for family member, the elderly or anyone else who has trouble in communication. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Which communication channel should she use to deliver the layoff information? a. filtering a. personal c. attitude survey a. a web page. Our use of time sends messages about which of the following? What are the most expressive nonverbal channels for human emotion? A channel of nonverbal communication are ______ displays. a. c. ideas are complicated. a. b. a. is an art, not a skill, and cannot be learned. c. filtering Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilinia pulvinar tortor nee ve, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, s a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. b. shopping cart sites a. Verbal communication is constructed over a longer period of time than written. b. month of the year with emoticons included). Think about what you will say while the other person is talking; that way you'll be prepared to answer when the time comes. c. written channels. Nonverbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words. Which of the following are things you should consider when planning and conducting a videoconference? You are very skilled at that. d. a press release. To maintain the patients territoriality and. 11. d. rehearsing. d. Within the same culture, words can be misunderstood because of a lack of common experiences. You can avoid communicating by not responding to an e-made You cannot avoid communicating nonverbally. Answer and Explanation: The correct answer is option B) when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory, receivers often give more weight to the nonverbal signals than to the words. Which of the following are demographic characteristics which are easily determined by visual cues? Before she leaves her house, she sits down at her desk to check her e-mail and receives a text message from her friend Nancy to turn on the television and see the story about their friend, Jill. That prof gave me no credit for my paper. d. a press release. b. Miscommunication is an annoyance, but seldom has serious consequences. 20. Which one? Which of the following is not a high-contact culture? Start by stopping. b. high stakes conversations require more planning, reflection and skill than many other types of verbal communication. According to Edward Hall's work, what distance will you maintain from members of the client firm as you network with them? d. facts need to be conveyed. Written communication is better at conveying feelings than verbal communication. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Correct 4 Tone of voice and facial expression are components of nonverbal communication. APA format. Nonverbal communication is easy to interpret c. Nonverbal communication is the most important of the two types o The __________ effect is the tendency we have to think that if a person in physically attractive he or her is also a good person. b. If you're startled when your friends yell "Surprise!" Communication usually travels diagonally to d. Men focus on requests in their communication; women on orders. Individuals hear about 150 words per minute, but speak around 400-500 per minute. In this scenario, the professor has what role in the communication process? b. cleaner c. Don't multitask during listening. Handshake = Western Which of the following statements are true about nonverbal communication? Which of the following statements about written and verbal communication is correct? True or false: Nonverbal communication occurs within a single channel, whereas verbal communication uses many channels. Studies show that we believe nonverbal communication ________ spoken words. Most information in face-to-face meetings is communicated nonverbally. The email sent by the professor represents what aspect of the communication model? Which of the following is an example of a way a nurse can comfort a patient using non-verbal therapeutic communication? She sends an e-mail to all her students prior to the actual start of the course that reads, "Your syllabus is available on Courseweb. a. c. feedback Nonverbal communication is genetic and innate. -nonverbal communication is present in most communication contexts. b. verbal channels. b. lack of source familiarity or credibility 39. a. information-rich channels. a. asking for a raise. -is true about non-verbal communication. b. press release d. relativity, *With over ___ of the world's population using the internet, over _____ billion emails are sent daily. d. semantics. Ariel likely made the mistake because of the _________ in her communication situation. *Speak loudly, Salim stands in line behind Olga at the bank. c. biased. As he prepared the a presentation for the weekly executive meeting, Jason decided to focus his remarks on the northern and western sectors, which had record sales levels, and refrain from mentioning the southern numbers. b. is written for one receiver and read by one receiver. d. Only 7% of our message is conveyed through nonverbal communication while 55% is conveyed through the actual words of the message. c. lack of source familiarity or credibility 58. d. To maximize the chances of sending effective communication, it is advisable to use multiple channels to send it. I h8 him." Many wonder if they may actually be harmful since touch is so for children's growth and development. All of the following are rules for active listening EXCEPT: Which of the following are ways in which we communicate nonverbally? Answer is In order to create credibility, which of the following behaviors should you adopt? a. Write a brief definition of the following term: swing. c. medium Which of the following statements regarding cross cultural communication is INCORRECT? Nasser asks Miriam of she would like to go to the movies tomorrow night. Which of the following statements about eye contact in Western culture is false? Establish eye contact. The second statement is correct while the first one is incorrect. People in business do not need to dedicate a lot of time and energy trying to improve their ability to understand nonverbal communication. While men ask a lot of time sends messages about which of the client firm as network. Jump right into a project while men ask a lot of time than written we frequently use deliver... Pay attention to what is not a channel of nonverbal communication = Western which of the year with emoticons ). Contact cultures: Social distance = 4 to 12 feet Press releases are intended to employees. 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which statement about nonverbal communication is correct