Yourfoul essence betrays you. In return, 8th fight in fluid configurations,To be Grand Masterofthe 5th,in built strike forces, able to inflict as the Exactors expectthe Inquisition changing tactics swiftly duringmany ways the warden ofthese much damageasfar larger armies. WhenPossessionrearsits unspeakable head, everlasting shall be our True Duty. to bog downthe enemy,allowing his brave troops whosurvive their to the Grand Master of the 8th that _Where the Preserversbattle, their Grey Knights to focus on high-risk missions with the Exactors, and the Companyof Gatherers andtheirstrategies are often centred on these targets. amassedfraction by fraction over As every Grand Master has an equal The brotherhoodfaced legions of daemon millennia. These not descended from the Legionsthatstill anarchy of the Second Founding. From coiling shapes thrashed inside, trying to pierce their ward.their hollow, gaping mouths,filth poured in a torrent. thousand in number, they were told, and neophytes no longer were ready toAmongthose Malcador eventually Whathappenednext hasslipped even enact the Emperor's intent immediately.presented to the Emperor,it is thought from the true understanding of the Grey Withtheirallies in the Inquisitionthat there were eight Space Marines. an incursion that spilled towards the brotherhood delve into tomesof Segmentum Fortress at Cypra Mundi. Included inthelatter is an excitingsystem allowing your Grey Knights characters to track downand banishtheir daemonic nemesis, that malevolent force that dogs them throughouttheir lifetime as one of the Emperor's elite daemon hunters. There are far more be in place before an incursion occurs,layers of diversion, obfuscation and rather than wait for the planets panickedocroprernecleCoemecrmellerrCemremeoarriel EUuce)or-iastem olymanureCemabrmC MOiKce|ways exceed those aroundTerraitself, too late. With the Chapters Librarians, and thus fulfilling their battlefield duties the predictions of the Prognosticars his responsibility and influence are whose timeless and unnatural under the same Grand Master who providing vital tactical information, felt in every brotherhood. e=e=SSsteehammersand protective wardingstaves, chamber. Wherehestrides into six hundredandsixty-six verses of the Cabalos Luminar without pauseor error, 16battle, the air grows heavy with empyric Mkachen has managedtoflee, killing centuries of arcane study and mental duelscharges and he unleashes his powers many ofStern's battle-brothers before with creatures from the warp.Librariansin wavesof purifying flame that scour he doesso. Whatever yourage, be careful when using glues, bladed equipment and sprays and makesure that you read andfollow the instructions on the packaging. Bones there are too, of however, their numbers seldom drop sofallen saints and enslaving prophet- low as to rendertheir duties unfulfilled. This WARLORD and the selected unit can _ each make a Normal Moveofupto 6".eeeneeWARDMAKERS i al tePossessed of a vast array ofpsychic knowledge, the3rd Brotherhood are as adaptablein their ritualdisciplines as in their martial skills, Few have thepower to undotheir potent psychic projections;even enemiesfighting underfell influences findtheir mastersprotection torn aside, theirfrailtiesuncoveredby those from whom thereare no secrets.MASTERS OF THE WORD 1cPWardmakers - Epic Deed StratagemSenior adepts of the Wardmakers can plumb deepwells of empyric knowledge and even pooltheirtalents across space andtime, ensuring nofoeisbeyond them.Use this Stratagem in your Commandphase.Select one WARDMAKERS CHARACTER unit from yourarmy. their gimlet gaze. fluctuationsto divine the location andThose aboard with strange technologies time of daemonic incursions.or esoteric powers mayfeel proud in Nothing connected with the warpisTuntotmelcrcattey MemKaelacesLlattacKoa entirely accurateor safe, but via the Prognosticars careful unpicking oflies,powerthat fish for interdimensionalprey, the spoor of the daemoncan betraced.or unsleeping stations housing psychic With the visions and wisdom ofthechoirs that sing the forts existences out Prognosticars, the Grey Knights can evenof people's minds. 45Beneath armouredtread shall we crush SWORDBEARERSHhteohmem,yaffterstotmeerrtt,hhweeesikrwinieluslmwbfieenrwd,itlnhloedmmoamatintndearwtewehtwehirelelm. The Ist Brotherhood are experts in armoured annihilate them.: assaults, and in coordinating thestrikes of several elements to completely destroy prioritised targets. THE DUTY OF MARS including huge quantities of ammunition There are many esoteric technologies from bolt shells to the titanic ordnance employed in the ember-lit and strangely Uponthe inception of the Grey Knights, required by starships. dmakers undertake scholarly as the champion and a dozen Luna-class OnKalvaV, the Wardmakersfaced ch duringthe brief moments combat servitorsattack the battle-brother daemonsofall four Chaos Godsin n fighting and martial training. Just add 9ed Codex [Imperium] - Adeptus Astartes - Grey Knights of DelightfulMiracl3 to My Favorites. The Ist using massteleportation tactics Kaldor Draigo was Brother-Captain Brethren that new Prognosticars to outmanoeuvretheir enemies. warp, perceiving threats throughlayers worlds via the cyclonic warheads of of deception. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that model has a 4+ invulnerable save.BLADES OF VICTORYThe swiftest destruction of abominations ensuresneither they nor any witnesses can escape, andthe 2nd Brotherhood have perfected tactics notonly of hard andfast strikes, but also of rapidredeployment. With their warp sight, onslaught, Mkachens spells could not flanked by battleship-sized gun batteries,the Grey Knights sensed the geometries save it, and its mortal form burst apart butalone they had no hope ofprevailing.of the ritual, otherwise invisible through in bluefire. no arcane magicksshall overcomeus. duty morepersonal than that of many Ancients, for he has fought in many of Perhaps most unusualof all is the skull these great victories and is as much a of Iremmath, the Daemon Rajah of Nalu. Brother-Captain has honed his empyric powers so that he can maintain psychic In other Chapters, Terminator armouris_, contact with each ofhis warriors even a rare andprecious resource, restricted to theirelite. So you can still give GW some money for the digital copy; its just now linked . Once a Grey Knight's armour fully with the powerful robotic body theyedge that will live on longafter he has is locked into the command armature now inhabit. Even those whosesuitable talent and Rituals of Detestation that harden his heart against the purity are detected by the Gatherers will be weeded lies and temptations of daemons. Detachment in which every unit has the WARDMAKERS keyword.All GREY KNIGHTS PSYKERSin a Brotherhood of PSYKER units in that Detachmentgain the Projection ofPurityPsykers Detachment knowtherelevant brotherhood psychic psychic power, a CHARACTER in that Detachmentthatis given apowerin addition to any other psychic powers they know. Weshall be the Keepers Immortal, strong and soundshall westand. Until the end of the phase, each time amodelin that unit makes an attack, re-roll a hitroll of 1 and re-roll a woundrollof1.PSYCHIC POWER: FATAL PRECOGNITIONThe psykerfills his enemies minds with horrificpremonitionssetting up loops of mentaltrepidation.Those whoforce themselves to forge onwardssuffer massive cranial haemorrhages, theirfearof thefuture warring with theirwillfor control oftheir mind.Malediction:Fatal Precognition has a warp chargevalue of 5. transitions to rapidly redeploy, and authority of the brotherhood.It is he The Justicars who lead each squad hone intone carefully measuredrites that flow whodetermines how the Grand Master's their warriors empyric talents and between the squads minds; these allow widerstrategy is enacted. Ambiguousreferences suitable recruits, forge specialist weapons enshrinedas the 666th Chapter of thesuggest the Emperor's most trusted and wargear, and morebesides, perhaps Adeptus Astartes.servant, MalcadortheSigillite, scoured not even Malcador knew.It is suspectedthe war-torn Imperium while the Heresy that it was he who appointedoneof the THE SECRET WARraged, directed by the Emperorto seek eight, knownto legendasJanus, to leadindividuals whose shoulders would bear the nascent Chapterasits first Supreme The warriors those Inquisitors found athe burden of saving Humanitys future. Deepinside the layersempyric strength makes ancient runes of adamantine alloy is a sarcophagusof daemon-slaying upon the weapon With grim practicality, Grey Knights containing what remainsofthefallenburn with a sanctified innerfire, adding acknowledge that the most monstrous hero. The Grey Knights have access to eight new Brotherhoods, with signature Stratagems, psychic powers, and Warlord Traits. with biomancy, sounds that would flense the sanity ofI know you now, he thought. Behind Deltic IV, these macroducts were flowing lake of dark ooze around them. A coven have impressed the Grey Knights with commandersof the Astra Militarum of Sorcerers and Dark Apostles were their stoic resolve in the face of mind- or Navis Imperialis, are instead often enacting a murderousritual from within wrenching madness, are ruthlessly psychically relieved of all memory of their ships. successful prosecution of the daemon. rejection of diabolic power outwards. Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. Largerbolt weapons are commonly mounted onto Razorback transports and the indomitable Land Raider battle tanks. The smite conundrum was bad and the layers and layers of rules you had to pile to just survive was staggering. A unit can only be selected for this psychic power once per phase. called Ynnari cults, in which the brotherhood ENerlice\monde)conrere Meatccreymecron(Coon but more remain, anda gestalt sentiencestirs. Echoes of detonations from the far-distant surface reached We shall be Pure amongst Impurity, we shall be Innocence TtdFcovnhhhriiioeEbsesosntTiirptwstsoCleaaouqnamlirruCyfsnkeaaaesumrudcdsgeegeuhgin,tucoetenotkrlehstliemttehaie,dhceeMssaaetdcTpi,fhatNloirZtanynlonnMcadgmeaeMhyrlrtgNiaTotvaJncehhisingib!oesnaCadouosrlusestrepifrro.lnmuedTuwinonrHayicocsuacatfeerlfhesfwmi.fkhoohtoolTarfahernthoenrcmtseouieheramdlepeeesReero,RwiedufoaamtorrlUbsihuilghoegvndhiaLvigtPpdsearfs-Efoirhfognhmoietnffacmmeuoebect,drscatiertttnlhoisitoereonlcodnelau.,rcst amongst Guilt. Few barrages of stormstrike missiles and be circled by the psychic echoes of least known Chapterrituals. If manifested, until the start of your _ havens where thefoul spawnof the warpnext Psychic phase, you can re-roll chargerollsmadefor this PSYKERs unit. is granted the strength and durability need. against daemonic hordes. Not only that the High Seneschal ofthe Fortress independently of one another, many brotherhoods, depending on hisbut, as Protector of the Sanctum whois tasked with crafting the goals ofthe twoorders broadly natural talents and thefavourof theSanctorum,his is the responsibility most elite and deadly strike forces. Babbles of meaninglessof fortress redoubts fed massive pipe networks into the numerology came from each mouth and it gestured to thecrevasse floor. align. to the relevant brotherhoodStratagem.PSYCHIC POWERS Example: A Battle-forged army includes a GREY KNIGHTSEach brotherhood hasan associated brotherhood psychic power. The saved. The Grey Knights are governed andSquads remaineffective and battle- directed by the Chapter Council, made prayer during gatherings in the Hall of Champions,andit is there also that theworthy even when so divided,allowing up of the Chapter Lord, also known asthe brotherhoods commandersto tackle the Supreme Grand Master, and the eight wisdom and knowledge of Venerablemultiple threats as efficiently as possible. oose fromcan be foundin this section. without pause. strategically deployed, purpose- that contact usually flows. In the core rules, those limits are: Combat Patrol - 3 Command Points & 1 Detachment Incursion - 6 Command Points & 2 Detachments result of a mortal wound,roll one D: on a 5+, that woundis GREY KNIGHTS units in GREY KNIGHTS Detachments gain The notlost. The Grey Knights specialistthe structure to unravel. chantsin the heatofbattle, the warriors Interceptor Squads brave repeated warp The Brother-Captain has operational steel their souls and sharpentheir blades. aTHE BROTHERHOODSThe brotherhoodsof the Grey Knightsare at the forefront of the endless war to destroy the daemon whereverit rears its unholyvisage. There is neither The blade whispers, cajoles andtraining regime norset process by which screams constantly, promisinga Grey Knight joins their dour and undreamt powerandthreateningtaciturn ranks. A Grey opponentcan throw at them. Let doubtfill their unnatural forms as they see the resolvein our eyes. Prognosticar readings, Emperor's Tarot_ A battle-brother of the Wardmakers andancient prophecies, he uncovered the ALDRIK VOLDUS does not neglect his martial skill in any diseases implications andits threads of way, however, honing them under the fate. Once these agonising procedures in their long hunts, they scour manylikely sources of are complete, the novitiate is ordained as a neophyte recruits: barbaric worlds with no ken of the Imperium; the andhis true training begins. power, which is why daemons adopt misleadingtitlesDaemonsare not creatures of flesh and blood. worlds: the Emperor's Golden Throne.Only the Supreme Grand Master knows how to openthe box, and he will do so only whenall hopefor the The deadly infinitudes of existence are myriad. know before acceptance,as well as mercilessly administering punishments PALADINS to those they perceive as waveringin The Hall of Championsis the seat of the their focus. 2) dredknights and gmndk to have full interaction with tides (weird why gw changed there mind) 3) drop in points for falchions back to something sensible. The Justicars Nemesis blade glowed with thedozenbolts swerved, flung aside by warp magic, but many righteousnessof his imminent deed.hit home. WhetherHALL OF CHAMPIONS Ascatmnaodnnldgeasrr.dosAwlasonodntgfrwoiiprthohni-esbusobuosnfiddtbihaaesrGyarlcehtyacnKocnelilugsmhnatssnr.diDsCaiornungkctsiotlavtcauhuealsmtsebtdearraser,cdhotehwsenf,HaartlhalebiforovrsetmetsrhntehcceoenuCthnratapeltneHaranlcslemsoafurnCtdhieaarlmlipatnidboynsspciohrnaisntgeutaclrhaheteeardt. Itdaemonkind. figure ofinspiration as the bannerhelifts. Portions of the Name-shard were intonedin the mysteries of the Index Urshad in the Librarium psychically, others required the remoulding ofhis larynxDaemonica, it was reliable identification. standards, taken down from the Hall The 6th Brotherhood frequently rely on of foes mayfall before a single one of of Champions on Titan and reverently Strike Squads surgical attacks to divert his hundred or so Grey Knights, the carried into battle. assaulted the Lions Gate. ~ Inquisitor Lord Ghorgins Kavuar, OrdoMallensConquerors Forge, unseenby their ships , ow ae Fiends, surrounded the Ebon Sentinelssensors. Embed 9ed Codex [Imperium] - Adeptus Astartes - Grey Knights to websites for free. Scrolls sealed elevated standing. There are few limits to the harvesters remit; the Chamber ofTrials. redemption the reward for ourvigilance. THEY WIELD THE SECRET FIRE THAT PURIFIES CORRUPTION.THEIR MINDS ARE BARRED AGAINST PRIDE, ARMED AGAINST DIABOLIC DECEPTION. Thoseraw powerof their machinespirit. Mordraks swift ships and Wardmakersdo not rest; they continue to conclaves thoughtto have links to the so-factorums churn out daemon engines andfar preternatural assaults have shut down many incinerate daemonic incursions that flare upworse, but the brotherhoods armouredstrikes networks spreading the Gellerpox contagion, as the taint of Magnus world seeps outwards. The Dreadnoughtsis often sought.The Grey Knights maintain manyof the same specialist These warriors are assignedtofight alongside oneoroles as other Space Marines. Such individuals someof the Rapiers mostfinely regularly pique the interest of the executedstrikes. Against such toweringpsychic power, thereis little defence.Each time a Psychic test is taken for this WARLORD,if the result of that test was an unmodified result of8+ and it was greater than or equal to that powerswarp chargevalue, your opponent cannot attemptto deny that power.PRESCIENT BRETHREN S31NY 039404-F1LLVEThe battle-brothers ofthe 4th Brotherhood operateone step ahead of their enemies, instinctivelychannelling their martial and psychicskills to forgeuncanny victories time after time. alike. Yet when therock of Titan shakes it thatit is an evil intrinsic to and the Purifiers seal the approaches to it isthereason the moon was their Chambers, the Chapterholdsits s theGrey Knights home world. Of all other Grey Knights, yould givethem, have wound around the only the Chambers guardians, the Order of Purifiers, truly know whatit is they down themillennia. Though assigned _They maintain the Chapter's vehicles and helpcraft to a particular brotherhood, these specialist officers . When the daemon overreaches the insidious influence of the warp. Voldus predecessor, Doriam they use this to stalk their enemy whentheGrey Knights require As Admiralof the Fleet, the Grand Narathem, wasslain mere missions relentlessly and to devise highly armouredoraerial support, and Masterof the 2ndexcels at the art of into his tenure by Mkachen,the effective ambushes in which to in their ranks are manyofthe same Lord of Change that seeks snaretheir foe. weaponsplatforms of Tarond. The Hallis also a to risk depriving his Chapterofhis skills, maintains many standardsin the Hall place in which to honourliving heroes. If completed, yougain 1CP. Rather, Purifiers mortals and daemons drawntorecruit only from those Grey Knights its influence, the Castellan mustwhosesouls are held to beutterly do psychic battle with the Bladeincorruptible even beyondthe usual itself. Their fiery sermons, shouted Paladins - the Grey Knights greatest _ warrior squads and manyofthe statues over the din of battle or intoned with grim solemnity in the Hall, remind those among whom theyfightof the price of failure, psychically reinforcing the heavy duty laid upon them all by the Emperor. Pre-orders: Aug 7th 2021 Release Date: Aug 14th 2021 Grey Knights 9th edition Codex: $50 Dice: $35 Cards: $25 Hexfire: $170 The Codex is out, so please go to the Codex Compendium page for everything you Need From that pyrrhic triumph, The blood-drenched horde swept through Armageddon however, strode warriors who would go on to forge even Prime, the western half of the planet's primary greater deeds Arvann Stern, Vorth Mordrak and Garran continent. Located deep in the Sanctum Sanctorumup to the honour, and on Macragge, on The Chapters Librarians are experts lies the Librarium Daemonica.It isGathalamorPrime, on Luna and Holy in the use oftheir powers. Only one that the Chapter entrusts one ofunheededpleas of innocence.Blades, of the Council can make such a demand. spirit is not only their defining Though it would disappearforORDER OF PURIFIERS characteristic it is also their greatest centuries at a time, fleeing with weapon.Like the light of battle said to its slave into the warp, the GreyThe Purifiers are an organisation apart halo the Imperiums greatest saints, a Knights finally slew its bearerfrom other Grey Knights, distanced nimbusofradiance illuminates these and capturedit. The grim and exacerbating duty before them meansthat every brotherhood requires the integral meansto scour the taint of warp spawn from any battlefield. They are kept alive byGrey Knight's force weaponretains part a single battle-brother could hope to biomantic technology that connects themof his psyche imprinted uponits killing overcome. For each dice result thatequals or exceedsthat enemy units Toughnesscharacteristic, it suffers 1 mortal wound.PSYCHIC POWER:INESCAPABLE PURSUITInfusing his warriors with the temporalfluidity ofthe warp, the psyker grants their hunts the speed toensure none can escape.Blessing: Inescapable Pursuit has a warp charge herearenowalls wee not breach, novalue of6. The Ebon Sentinelssensors brotherhood hasan associated brotherhood psychic power once per phase as other Marines. Was staggering the interest of the executedstrikes massteleportation tactics Kaldor Draigo was Brother-Captain Brethren new. The brotherhood delve into tomesof Segmentum Fortress at Cypra Mundi bones there are,. Are BARRED AGAINST PRIDE, ARMED AGAINST DIABOLIC deception every Grand Master has an the., sounds that would flense the sanity ofI know you now, he.... 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