If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. PAS CODE 7. - Asst' w/Outbound/Rets&Seps merge, vetted 21 task to sharepoint prgm--increased msn efficiency&>cust prg'n time - Cert'd $300K in TDY funds-30% voucher inspected for accuracy--ensured effective spending/ mission ops sustained 1. Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. - Led 6 FTAC/Unit ldrshp lunches; 20 vols/$1.8k budget linking 233 Amn w/ldrs--crushed Wg/CC's #1 people priority Responsible for the logistical, administrative, and fiscal management of a Combat Support Military Police Battalion with world-wide - Superb motivator; vaulted production/support effort--helped wg achieve 1.1K sorties/5.6K flying hours, FY13 - Topnotch community volunteer; Algebra and Science tutor at local elementary school; mentoring future leaders, - Tower of integrity; refused to abuse VA pgm by applying for disability; preserved resources for critical vet care - Supported cleanup of Harvey aftermath; hauled 2k+ lbs destroyed cubicles to dump--freed ANG 80+ hrs in labor cost - Reinvigorated Sq/CC innovation prgm; tm surveyed 360 pers/compiled 25 ideas f/3 initiatives--exec'd HAF #3 priority Led 4-mbr mil/civ tm; boosted cybersecurity posture/4 Sq--earned Gp's Amn/NCO Info Dom wins Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year You don't have to do it alone, though. - Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized, - Mng'd 16 Amn as NCOIC of Sq's largest fltpenned 6 EPRs/7 awd packages--garnered 3 Sq/1 Gp-level awds! - Sound leadership of admin functions directly aided MDG's Excellent rating during 2012 HSI/JC inspection, - Spearhead'd San Jacinto Monument scavenger hunt; removed barriers/promoted teamwork; improved espirit de corps - Dedicated team to refine window R2; shaved time by 25%--AF Chief of Staff Team Excellence Awd nominees - Resourceful--obtained two scarce regional RMS training slots--saved $7000, increased flight personnel qualifications - PDF accountability NCOIC; verified eligibility of 240 deployers--mbrs 100% msn ready & deployed on-time 1A1X1 Flight Engineer. - Rallied/motivated section; achieved 8 acft w/in 5 LO backlog days--met MXG/CC goal for 1st timepromote - Operates and maintains squadron SharePoint website, reviewing and managing policies/publications correspondence - Managed Restricted Area Badge pgm f/354 prsnl; ID d 4 missing records/60 badges issued--secured mx f/$7.8B infra - UCC lead; ran 3 Ex/ID'd shortfalls/overhauled prgm/11 mbrs qual'd--ensured Sq readied for real-world emergencies - Oversaw PT admin correction process; rectified E-6 promo withhold status/filed rec ltrs--reversed 6 mo/$3K shortfall, - Oversaw Selective Reenlistment Prgm: coordinated with DFAS/AFPC-44 pay issues rectified/$1M - Performs personnel actions/issues pertaining to voluntary & involuntary reassignments/retirements/IRR/evaluations Stratification 9 6.5.2. - Expertly mgd Sq SDAP prgm; located/issued backpay to 50 mbrs; started 188 CMS cases; ensures on-time pmt, - Steered Squadron's GTC program; 600+ cards scrutinized/managed--delinquencies diminished 30% by Jul's 4th Qtr - Participated in Sq/CC CoC setup/teardown; positive first impression of Sq for new CC-event 100% success column #1 column #2 column #1 column #2. best individual superior person - Protocol expert! - Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member - Coordinates with local FSS/MPF, resolves records conflicts/MilPDS discrepancies/Case Management System inquires - Expertly assisted 112 wing users to resolve computer access problems; users back online in record time; Guru! - Orchestrated Sq essentris stand-down; creat'd talking paper/train'd 27 techs--provided standardization f/6 sects 1A2X1 Aircraft Loadmaster. - FSS/OSS liaison; Sq's sole 38F rep, advises Sq/CC on all personnel issues, resolves MPF conflicts/MilPDS discreps Operations EPR Bullets Operations and Contingencies EPR Bullets - Accelerated 1-94 FAR beddown; downloaded 218 tons eqpmt/12 HIMARs/24 pax--drove regional surface-to-air capes - Aced 80-hr HAZMAT Preparer crs; completed 3 JIs/147 cgo tons w/0 errors/10 acft--grad'd top 10% w/97% avg score It contains comment(s)/rating(s) that make(s) the report a referral as defined in AFI 36-2406, para, 1.10. - Systematized Gp Staff Mtg slides; maint'd current info from flt to gp lvl--enhanced ldrshp alignment w/ Wg Priorities, - Tackled 3 MBA courses; amassed 3.0 GPA/18 credit hrs shy of degree-- honed skills to manage unit $2.2 mil budget EPR bullets are going away, service leaders announced Monday. - Attended five-day 1st Sgt Symposium; dedicated 72 hrs f/temp Shirt duties--increased overall leadership capabilities - Revis'd USAFE PRAP Mgr's crs; infus'd upgrad'd policy/initiatives into curriculum--18 SMEs cert'd f/nuc surety msn, - Revised CSL prgm; created/processed/tracked 138 tickets--expedited msn critical network capabilities to 150 sq mbrs - Handpicked NCO for OG/CC cross-talk; ID'd fixes for 6 OG issues; highlighted enlisted concerns to leadership - LeaveWeb mgr; approved/validated 1.2K leave/TDYs/conducted audits/corrected discreps/backlog--100% compliant - Expedited in overhaul of CIPS bldg; setup 6+ Support Shelves/Patch Panels; TBA task qualifications increas'd >40% - Co-chaired Group CC's going away lunch/CoC; crafted script/directed 14 mbrs--lauded by in/outgoing CCs/families The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments. STEP 2: Provide Expectations/Feedback. - Managed 51 mbr Leave Prgm; reviewed/reconciled 197 cases--enabled 1.5K leave days/uphold congressional mandate, - Managed 52 prsnl records; executed 86 MilPDS/54 CMS actions--facilitated accuracy/integrity of prsnl promotion rec - Directorate GPC cardholder; manages budget/purchasing, and maintains supply requirements for J5 directorate, - Provides personnel support to 78 units/GSUs/NAF/5 MAJCOMs servicing 5.2K Airmen across 17 locations - Supervised 4 Amn in UGT; average of 50% OJT core tasks completed in 4 mths--exceptional CDC score/95% - Amend'd 3yr Key Nuc Billet backlog; Id'd pos mismatches/coord'd fix w/MFMs/HAF--secur'd $8.7M in mnpwr auths - Supported higher education; attended local college improvement meeting--enabled more accessibility for Amn, - Tech School Amn Leader; as yellow rope/enforced standards/mentored/guided peers--lauded by 345 MTF/CC - Organizational master! For the next year or so, you will be the beginning and the end for most of the activity in which your Boss is involved. - Engaged leader; tackled insp workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data--2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner! - Oversaw 443 GTC accounts; fixed 132 negligent balances/mitigated $174K DoD funds--backed rapid global mobility - Managed AEFI reports f/64 units; guided monthly review/updates, >200 rcds corrected--discrepancies redux by 52% For a Lieutenant or Captain, the only thing the OPR "bullets" from you need to do, is remind your rater of the additional duties or projects that you have done since the last OPR. - Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets - Promoted unit cohesion; actively mentored junior personnel/encouraged cross org interations--boosted esprit de corps and the book is really useful and certainly adds to our knowledge after reading. - Executed GI/GS clinic daily ops; coordinated 375 visits/146 procs--averted $40K MTF ref costs/7K enrollees, - Expediently converted 800 incentive records to electronic media; cleared open discrepancy; 100% MICT compliance - Gp's Alt EMSEC mgr; ID'd inop host-base hub/resolved 4x taclane anomaly--fixed in <72hrsDV spt spot-on! The book Air Force Officer Opr Bullets Examples PDF Kindle is very good and also much like today. - Clear'd BAH issue f/8 Officers; collab'd w/HHQ, mended 5 JS-HR PAScode locations--DFAS backpaid $46K to mbr - Organized MXS/CC call; coor'd time/location for eight briefings--climate survey/critical info delivered to Sq - Responded to 1700+ deaths and 2500+ Airman who became ill or injured during this period. - Tm'd w/ Family Readiness, distr'd deployment info & coord Yellow Ribbon events f/ 200 mbrs/families; incr'd readiness - Team member on 20+ vehicle washes; prevented corrosion damage/unscheduled mx-- extended service life 5 years - Led 4 DEERS VOs; oversaw 2.8K IDs issuance & dependent enrlmnt--secured $2.5M medical benefits uninterrupted - Base inprocessing manager; conducted weekly briefings/updated sponsor notices--1.5K mbrs gained expertly - Responsible for USPACOM Strategic Planning & Policy staff actions w/ Components, GCCs, FCCs, JS & OS Thanks! - Penned $150K advisory buy- catalyzed funding for GSA contract--Gp's MSOS positioned for success/lauded by CC I am referring this OPR to you according to AFI 36-2406, para 1.10. - Great Mentor! - Flt "Amn of Month" board president; led 3-mbr panel/upheld process integrityrecognized flt's best of the best - Manages ARCNET, performs review of unit training prgm, and ensure ancillary training requirements are met timely - Manged Sq. - MilPDS overseer; conducted 1K updates & led Sq SharePoint build--RPA tracking upped 99% & backlog down 50% - Managed monthly ETS roster; Coord/tracked 246 reenlistment and extensions; ensured operational goals cont'd met - Multi-faceted trainer; 6 new Airmen learned to update 2 different systems--enhanced coworker tech knowledge, - Opportunist; mastered impromptu eval training; XX raters trained-- processed evals increased XX% monthly Executive Officer (XO) NCOER Bullets o supervised operations of clerical and human resources for the entire Battalion of more than 16,000 soldiers; achieved 100% compliance with Directorate Of Information Management (DOIM) for the 1st time in Battalion history - Attended John Maxwell Developing the Leader Within Seminar; gained insight on leadership technique/tools - Vigilant! - G-Series trusted agent for SIF/UIF/sponsors/appmnt letters/RIP/waivers/skill lvl upgrade/leave/allowances/extensions A few Additional Bullets: As Line Division Officer LT Smith supervised the training of 48 men and women in the Plane Captain responsibilities. - Completed 30 hrs of MPF trng; enhanced knowledge of personnel programs -reduced errors in MPF processes For those who have earned it, the rater should construct the ratee's "home" well. - Advised CC on 4 NJPs/discharge pkg; two SrA BTZs/vacated TSgt demotion--secured discipline for 230 Amn - Facilitated progress of unit "Combat Dine Out"; setup/teardown/cleanup of accommodations-- 90+ personnel served - Unyielding example of AF values; criticized sham med care to supp't future disability claims; encouraged integrity, - Visionary; devised weekly preventive mx sched--slashed deferred defects by 50%MXS '11 Mx Pro of Year - Vol at Klamath Falls Open House during deployment; operated F-35 souvenir booth--$5.4K raised for sq Booster Club, - Wg E5/E6 mentor; guided 9 TSgts thru board selection process/speed mentoring vol--invested in next gen enl leaders - Revised Casualty Operations Branch file system, transferred all paper files to electronic format per AFI, - Received zero discrepancies after AFPC no-notice inspection, praised as "best file plan to date", - Selected CAST lead; facilitated multiple agency collaboration for AD casualty/wounded--seamless operations. Leadership EPR Bullets - A leader among peers; unceasingly involved with AMXS critical processes--increased MC rate 26% for FY14 - Advised CC on 4 NJPs/discharge pkg; two SrA BTZs/vacated TSgt demotion--secured discipline for 230 Amn - Amn whisperer; conveyed standards, renewed pride in unit and uniform, workcenter now working as a team RANK 4. - Outstanding performer; demonstrates enthusiasm and willingness to tackle all work assignments--promote now, - Phenomenal NCO leads by example; tackles the toughest challenges without hesitation--promotion warranted - Implemented/created prsnl change request process; streamlined over 1K prsnl actions- processing time cut 82%, - Instructed 27 mbrs on AFI guidance/directed changes within SRB/CJR requests--increased mbr career options Recommendations 10 Table 1 Appropriate PME Recommendations 10 . Officer of the highest caliber-records read like Who's Who of AF leadership!" . 6.5 OPR Backside Bullets--Last lines 9 6.5.1. - Provided audio/visual support for Squadon Commander's Call/EMC--ensured understanding of info presented CC's confidant; processed 100+ urinalysis requests for Aviano AB busiest Squadron--100% notified, - Steered Squadron's GTC program; 600+ cards scrutinized/managed--delinquencies diminished 30% by Jul's 4th Qtr, - Dedicated SNCO! - Supervised det manning; led ofc during 30% change in 2 mos--acquired/trained 3 prsnl/in-tune w/ A3/TRSS priorities EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. - Coordinates w/ 143 SR & 14 ML senior mil/civ ldrs assigned to the NCR on 40 personnel pgms, policies/procedures, - Primary AROWS-R order specialist and UTAPS manager responsible for maintaining status and participation - Managed $25k budget; focal point for RA coord, TDY availability/feasibility--reconciled civilian/mil pay issues - Propelled section awds pgm; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered 2 BTZ/4 qrtly/4 annual awd winners, - Provided weekly update to Sr leadership on team performance; metrics assessed-- Org's leadership briefs CDM SES, - Rallied section; tackled 17K mx actions/81K mx hrs--met MXG goal8 acft w/in 5 days/backlog under 4K hrs - Manages organization's newcomers prgm; organizing/presenting briefings for civilians transitioning into the military, - Leads 7 mbr-tm; dir milpers ops for 1.3K HAF/SAF Staff Amn & 25 DoD agencies; provides elite spt to top AF ldrs - Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - Aggressively vetted 864 AF FORM 2096's in MILPIDS; assured 100 % accuracy- squadrons personnel files regulated 1A6X1 Flight Attendant. - Authored/published SOP's f/ GPC pgm; provided guidance to cardholder-caps enhanced 30%/ reversed branch trends - Highly motivated Airman; earned 5-lvl upgrade training well ahead of peers-- Mbr certified nine months early! - Great Mentor; provided guidance and training on proper formats of all AF communications to AD and civilian mbrs. - Corrected 12 Amn/officer discipline/legal issues; networked w/four base/local agencies--enforced AF policy, - Corrected bldg fire alarm malfunction; worked with base fire dept in isolating damage--prevented bldg damage Visit your transition assistance office or the family services and . - SharePoint lead admin; provided trng/granted permissions/modified sq/gp sites--pages compliant w/base CS Good examples and instruction. - Provides administrative support as ODTA for DTS and e-Finance, ensuring accuracy of manpower database - PDF NCOIC; created teams to process XXX warfighters--provided direct support to xx AOR's, - PDF Team Lead; verified mobility currency of over 400 mbrs/5 real-world deployments--100% qualification - Enforced Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act; validated 5 self-inspection checklists--100% MICT compliant EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. !" is not Be rushed to print -- take the time to write a succinct, accurate, and honest report Use "fluffy" statements with no meat behind them Provided retention & retirement guidance to 14 AF officers--eased civilian transition - Updated 5 AEFI changes via MilPDS; aligned mbrs in bands//UTCs--solidified 100% rotational integrity f/11 GSUs - Remarkable NCO; continually proved leadership skills; respected by peers/team--occupied XSgt billet for X-months - Filled drug reduction pgm position; completed 4 hr tng crs/notified 10 mbrs--upheld DoD zero tolerance policy - Exemplified professionalism; assumed NCOA drill/flight sergeant duties--elevated fellow classmate standards, - Exemplifies professionalism! - Served as both President and member of hiring & Promotion boards; ensured most qualified and personnel selected, - Skilled Airman; shows desire for self improvement--possesses ability to handle most assigned LO taskings - Organized, implemented plan to correct, update squadron's e-mail global information for ORI--key to success - Opportunist; revived group evaluation program; 150+ late evals found/processed-- decreased overall overdue by 40% - Spearheaded cmd staff awards prgm; vetted all HQ staff pkgs--ensured recognition of all mil/civ personnel This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. Conduct an initial and midterm feedback using an AF Form 724 (A-3). - Aided $899K water drainage proj; escort'd 500 OCNs f/17 MXG sites--nix'd flooding f/1.1K mbrs/10 F-22 acft/$1.2B, - Spearhead'd postal ops f/173 pax, AEW/CC/CV/CCC; 13.2K pkgs/40K lbs mail distro'd--0 discreps/A1 NCO OTM! - Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15, - Hands-on mentor/leader; demanded quality stds on pgms/processes--vaulted QA pass rate to 92%, 1st Qtr '12 - Led 12 mbr EFDP; briefed ROE/created new scoring method--upheld anonymity/standardized process f/future brds, - Led 3 crses/12 SAVs; qual'd 9 FARMs/24 RCs/id'd & fixed 53 write-ups--raised initial trng compliance rate to 99% Good Examples and instruction an initial and midterm feedback using an AF form 724 ( A-3 ) 2012 MXS P! All AF communications to AD and civilian mbrs P Sijan Award winner by! ( A-3 ) workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data -- 2012 MXS P! 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executive officer opr bullets