Maintains temperature of about 40 degrees. Navy . Yardarm blinkers are restricted to night time use among ships in company. d. PQ-FQ Coil - Located at opposite ends of the ship in horizontal planes and are connected in series. A few of my buddies are prior Army and have jump pins. Conning is the act of controlling the ship. (2) Induced - caused by the influence of the earths magnetic field upon the ship. 19 8 100 460 |, L| (i.e. d. Light Airborne Multi-purpose System (LAMPS) - Designed to extend and enhance the capabilities of surface ships and increase effective operational range for the weapon systems fitted in surface vessels of the U.S. fleet. c. Reduces a training command's ability to provide a major segment of its program, and cannot be corrected relatively quickly by local action alone. Limited to the speed in which cargo can be struck down to ensure safe operations. d. Breakdown - Flag #5 or 2 black balls, the vessel is having engine or steering difficulty. Weight 70,000 lbs, length 61 ft 10 in, span 64 ft, speed Mach 2, range 1,500 miles. Waiting station - An area approximately 2,000 yards aft of the delivery ship. It is equipped with a non-nuclear warhead, solid-fuel rocket engine and uses a semi-active homing guidance system. c. Nancy - A system that uses invisible infrared light. t. Cargo drop reel - Device that lowers the load from the tensioned highline allowing the STREAM rigs to be used by ships having only fixed padeyes, a pendant station or support legs. Propulsion and Auxiliary Control Console (PACC) or Propulsion Control Console (PCC) - Contains the throttle controls and transfer switches, engine order telegraph, shaft revolution indicator-transmitter, and the necessary gages for monitoring the operating conditions of the main turbines, reduction gears and propeller shafts. It measures and indicates the speed of the ship and the distance traveled through the water. There is a permanent graph at the helm which gives the RPMs to speed conversion. b. Low-Pressure Turbine - Used for ahead and astern movement, and is coupled to the reduction gear. Kitty Hawk's is located below the FWD Bomb Handling Area in Pump Room #3. b. Located on the switchboards and sometimes in the area outside the ship where the source is connected. Constructed of neoprene coated fabric (cotton or nylon). c. NAVSUP 1371 - The Fleet COSAL Feedback Report (FC FBR) is used to request changes to inadequate, incomplete, or erroneous APL/AEL support. High pressure air compressors can be found in auxiliary spaces, engine rooms, fire rooms. Used to super chlorinate tanks only. g. Astern Turbine Throttle Valve - Controls admission of steam to both elements of the astern turbine. A Correction CASREP shall be submitted as soon as possible after the casualty has been corrected. 0312.6 Identify and state the purpose of the following flags/ pennants: a. Refueling - BRAVO FLAG, I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous materials. It's easy! f. White Phosphorous (WP) - Smoke projectiles contain tubes of white phosphorous (WP) which are scattered and burst by a small black-powder charge. Located at each station. Kitty Hawk mainly uses seawater to trim. c. Chiller - Used to cool water for use in cooling spaces. The shafts always turn in the same direction for both ahead and astern propulsion. Located on the lower level of the fireroom. The uses include, but are not limited to, the operation of pneumatic tools, prairie-masker system, diesel engine starting and/or speed control, air ballasting, torpedo charging and ejecting, aircraft starting and cooling, and the operation of pneumatic boiler and propulsion controls. The four different types of CASREPs are: a. CASREP - An INITIAL casualty report (CASREP) identifies to an appropriate level of detail the status of the casualty and parts and/or assistance requirements. b. Part of the engine room console. ESM - WLR 1G - 50 Meg to 20 GHZ - narrow band, - WLR 11 - an IFM receiver that operates over the frequency, range of 7 to 18 GHZ with 100% probability of interception. One end is bolted to the strut. A line may be brought to its SWL without impairing the line or reducing its useful life. The battle organization is designed to assign men with certain qualifications to specific tasks within a ship, for all conditions of readiness anticipated. The new instruction also values experience and initiative, by creating a path for certain E-4 Sailors to enroll in their command's ESWS program with command senior enlisted leadership approval, and if they meet the following criteria: Early promote (EP) on their most recent regular periodic evaluation. Example: When Kitty Hawk is engaged in underway replenishment operations, the vertical Red-White-Red combination on the mast is used to warn other vessels. MBT devices will select either of two available sources of electrical power and it must be accomplished manually. During normal operations in the geographic plot mode, own ships position and, therefore, the polar diagram move geographically across the plotting surface according to the DRT information supplied by the DRAI (Dead Reckoning Analyzer-Indicator). This rotational energy is used to perform propulsion/non-propulsion work for the ship. May also be used to assist aft steering. Link b. OMEGA Receiver - An outgrowth of the LORAN and is used on a worldwide basis. Uses a pre-programmed (shoot and forget) attitude reference plus radar altimeter in cruise phase; active- homing guidance with a range of approximately 50 nm. Trailing a Shaft - No steam is being admitted to the turbines, but the shaft is free to turn. It is no longer used on ships because it contains lead. Kitty Hawk uses five evaporators to make freshwater which produce 70,000 gallons per day in units 1, 2, 3 and 4, and produces 100,000 gallons per day in unit number 5 for a total of 380,000 gpd. |_____ (1) Rudders - Designed to produce the lateral forces used in the control of the ship's heading. Life ring/buoy - When a man is sighted in the water, a ring should be thrown as close to him as possible to provide flotation and make him easier to sight. Contains shaft(s) average hourly RPM, speed in knots, engine miles steamed for the day, major speed changes, draft and displacement, fuel, water, lubricating oil, disposition of engines, boilers and principal auxiliaries, casualties to equipment or personnel and other pertinent information. The category (2,3 or 4) reflects the urgency or priority of the casualty. As required, this data is forwarded to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National Command Authority. f. Divers - ALFA FLAG, I have a diver down, keep well clear at slow speeds. When underway c. Using Varnish Remover - Ensure space ventilation, eye and breathing protection, and keep off skin. Tracer (DRT) plotter is indispensable when a man overboard situation occurs. At night, chemical lights (clusters of three) mark the 60, 100, 140 and 180 foot markers. r. Anchor Buoy - A small buoy secured by a light piece of line to the anchor to indicate the position of the anchor. When the tire is inflated the friction blocks on the inner tire surface come in contact with the clutch drum, locking the drive shaft with the engine. It can detect, identify and track multiple targets and is the first USN surface ship sonar designed specifically to interface directly with a vessel's digital computers. k. High-speed Flexible Coupling - Used to couple the power turbine shaft with the driven unit and permits axial movement and expansion of rotors; allows for some misalignment. Policy. Prior to entering such a space, it must be fully ventilated and determined to be gas-free by a qualified engineer. f. Loss of pitch control - Will limit attainable speed. c. Radiating Fire Control Radar - The electromagnetic energy radiated by these radars will cause direct biological injury to anyone subjected to lengthy exposure to the beam. The Tomcat's variable-swept wings give it a combat maneuvering capability that could not have been achieved with a "standard" fixed wing. Card Column 57-59, PROJECT - three-character entry used to identify the purpose or nature of the requirement. 0303.3 Discuss the usefulness of the following equipment/. FUNCTION AND LOCATION OF KITTY HAWK'S POWER GENERATING EQUIPMENT. THROTTLES AND MAIN OPERATING STATION. A major saving in dollar value. I am prior navy and have the surface warfare pin, if I join can you wear it on your working uniform? The target is continually tracked, UBFCS assumes control of the ASROC launcher, and a CIC coordinated attack is commenced upon command. b. f. Respirators - Should be worn by personnel entering or working in enclosed spaces where dust particles are present or toxic material is used or stored. The Status of Resources/Training Systems (SORTS) Report is the principal report within the U. S. Navy and Military Sealift Command (MSC) to provide combat readiness data to the National Command Authority (NCA), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), fleet commanders-in-chief (e.g. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 0204.10 Discuss the distance for off shore limitations for disposal of trash, garbage, sewage and oily wastes. Located in the ignition system. (b) After completion of indoctrination training, assign the personnel to departments or other major subdivisions of the command. The primary purpose of main shafting is to transfer the torque generated by the main engine to the propeller and to transmit the thrust developed by the propeller to the thrust bearing in the ship. 7X50 Binoculars - Gives a wide range of vision and are best suited for searching over a wide area or for following a swiftly moving target. Kitty Hawk has two standard MK 2 stockless type weighing 30 tons each. If the control ship is over 600 feet in length, a third blue light is used. d. Synchro Amplifier (sync amp) - Sends electrical signals to the slave units to coincide with the master unit. When applicable to a designated item, the two-character Special Material Identification Code (SMIC) must be entered in CC 21-22. If a stretcher patient is to be moved, a light free running line will be attached to one end of the litter to orient the litter as it is hoisted/lowered. A timing device causes the flare to be ejected from the projectile and ignited. Don't be guilty of actually taking up the left center portion of the channel or being well to port in column because the centerline pelorus shows the channel or stern of the ship ahead to be 000 degrees relative. its function is to guide the ship through the water on a desired course. shore indirect mode is used against land targets that cannot be picked up with the radar or optical sight system. LC LOCATION Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. f. Flemish - Method of disposing a line by coiling it tightly flat on deck with the second inside the first, and so on. You can wear it below your ribbon bar on the dress uniform. Access provides location, employment, ETA, ETD, mission and other similar information regarded necessary from an operational force. j. Monkey Fist - Weighted knot in the end of a heaving line. Sailors will not be required to enroll in a commands ESWS program until they reach a journeyman or master-level (E-5 E-9). 1049_____________________|. OTHER MISSILE SYSTEMS NOT INSTALLED ON KITTY HAWK. I need the ESWS prerequisites for qualifying that I know changed, like DC 301-312 . Whips - Wires 1/2 or 3/4 inches in diameter. Propulsion Section - Provides the energy required to move the missile from launcher to target. Used during high line operations. ARMY SECTION (REVISED EDITION) HEADQUARTERS. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. (2) Three methods of obtaining information on an NSN are available: (a) Entry into the supply catalogs with a known NSN, which may or may not be current. l. Force Draft Blowers - Turbine-driven fans which supply air to the boiler furnace. It is a general purpose rust resistant primer. f. Primary Flight Control - consists of the control of shipboard aircraft handling and those operations incidental to launching and recovery of aircraft. (1) Transmitting Stations - Quarterdeck, bridge and AA Stations. The minesweeping helicopter is under the control of a specially trained shipboard Mine Countermeasures Helicopter Air Controller (MCMAC). 0329.4 State your ship's standard for water consumption/distribution. g. Guarding Valves (ahead and astern) - Used to prevent steam from going to the throttle valves. CIC maintains a track of the contact and supplies the director operator with the initial target course and speed. c. Winch - The primary source of power for cargo handling and replenishment at sea rigs. j. 0309.5 Explain the function of the expendable bathy-thermograph (XBT). On the control ship this means - "I am ready for your approach". NTDS provides a more complete and accurate display of the tactical situation in real time. Star assembly - An all tensioned wire rig with the highline and the inhaul and outhaul lines being tended by winches in the delivery ship. b. Executive Department manages the administrative duties of the ship. By Smoking is not permitted in the aircraft or within 50 feet of the aircraft during fueling/defueling procedures. An important part of operational status is equipment casualty information. You cannot wear it on the working uniform. (2) RPM Enunciators - Enables the OOD to make minor changes in speed by ordering the engine rooms to increase or decrease RPM of the propeller. The ASG is sequenced by Federal Supply Groups (FSG) and Classes (FSC). Transmits corrections to the control section if errors are detected. The #2 and #3 shafts are 26.5 inches in diameter and #1 and #4 are 27.5 inches in diameter. b. Zinc Chromate (yellow 84/green 84D) paint - An after pickling primer and general purpose primer suitable for exteriors. each. i. Fathometer - Depth assurance chart comparison, provides a very accurate reading at a wide range of depths. d. Stern Tube Stuffing Box - Flanged and bolted to the stern tube. a. LORAN Receiver ( b. White Link. Tag: ESWS. Kitty Hawk has 4 variable pitch screws, each having 5 blades and a diameter of 21.0 feet. After absorbing the energy of recoil over a convenient distance, a counter-recoil or recuperator system returns the gun tube to the battery position. 0316.19 Discuss the requirements for capping sound-powered telephone outlets and service/receptacle (S/R) outlets when not in use. d. Variable Time - Non-fragmentation (VT-NON FRAG) - Used for antiaircraft gun practice and grading. commander, naval surface forces instructions. Naval Surface Forces Announce New ESWS Instruction. On smaller ships, used for communications between the bridge and CO's cabin. Press Briefings Subject specific information for the media k. Rattail Stopper - A braided tapered line used on mooring lines to eliminate losing slack when doubling or singling up. ARABIAN GULF -Sailors assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Delbert D. Black (DDG 119) hoisted the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) pennant for the first time ever, Nov. 7, 2022, signifying all eligible Sailors assigned to Delbert D. Black are enrolled in. Mark 56 - Capable of optical or automatic radar tracking in bearing elevation and range, and of remote control from the control room. Potable water systems are designed to provide a constant supply of water for all ship's service requirements, provide makeup water for various freshwater cooling systems, and may also be used to trim the ship. and reduction gears. - Point Detonating (HE-PD) - Designed for function on impact and are chiefly used against lightly armored targets in gunfire support. While twisting or operating astern, negatively effects a short radius turn by decreasing the efficiency of the rudder. It consists of a ram cylinder, accumulator cylinder, air flasks and an indicator assembly. Control of a gun mount entirely and directly through remote signals from a fire control system. i. Loose gear could affect de-watering of a space by clogging pump hoses and drains. Preventing disclosure of intelligence or presenting false intelligence. d. Haze Grey Paint - For exterior vertical surfaces. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. s. STREAM (Standard For normal cruising operations, the TCL is set and left in the desired position. c. Wire - Individual wire is made of steel or other metal laid together to form strands. It interfaces with the computer through digital input/output channels for data control and display, and through power distribution panels for power. with emphasis in ASW (i.e. He will ensure that al applicable safety precautions are kept properly posted in conspicuous and accessible spaces and that personnel concerned are frequently and thoroughly instructed and drilled in their observance. Maximum range is worldwide. The program consists of 5 parts: a. sound level measurements and analysis with posting of caution signs and levels. 0302.12 State the procedure of anchoring for your ship. 0309.7 Explain the function of the independent variable-depth sonar (IVDS). Kitty Hawk has 2400. Main Thrust Bearing - Usually located in the reduction gear casing. The steering control console controls and indicators required to control the course of the ship. This will differ with each system. Friend or Bed plates are supports for main bearings. Many of the major functions of the ship, such as shore bombardment and amphibious operations, depend on an accurate knowledge of ships position. d. Length of Ship - 1069 ft. on the flight deck, and 990 ft. 9 in. c. Fire Detection and Extinguishing System - Heat from a fire activates the detector, which completes an electrical circuit allowing the control to actuate the extinguishing system, suppressing the fire. e. Slides - Does not actually slide, but are fitted bearing surfaces which support and guide the sliding (recoiling) barrel and housing parts of the gun that move in elevation. (2) Mechanical Helm Indicator - Shows the number of degrees the wheel is turned. Operations control is collectively applied to those activities under the cognizance of the ship's Operations Officer. 0302.10 Explain and state the use of the following: a. e. Radar/Optical Rangefinder - One optical sight mounted on a stabilized platform, one remote optical sight (ROS) mounted on and boresighted with the air radar antenna. Command and Ship Control - Command Control is exercised by the CO at his battle station. High Pressure (HP) Air is used by weapons division to blow barrels after shooting the ships guns and in the weapons elevators while lifting ammunition. The operation of surface ship's underwater battery fire control system (UBFCS) from initial sonar detection to weapons launch: The sonar target is classified as a possible submarine, computer analysis is commenced for target, bearing, range and speed. Kitty Hawk has 2 pumps forward and 2 aft. One of the switchboards is the preferred source of ships service power for the emergency switchboard and the other is the alternate source. Also used to equalize strain on two chain stoppers. j. e. Bell/Data Loggers - Consists of plant performance data logging, alarm scanning, and bell logging equipment. Verifica la configuracin de tu navegador o comuncate con el administrador de tu sistema. b. Kitty Hawk has a two brake system consisting of a friction brake and a motor operated hydraulic brake. g. Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) - Provides plant and space supervisors with information necessary to enable them to recognize the symptoms of a possible casualty, to control the casualty, to prevent possible damage to machinery, and to restore plant operation to normal. #ICYMI, Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR), released an updated Navy Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) program instruction. b. High Explosive - Infrared (HE-IR) - Used against unarmored surface or land targets, or used against aircraft or missiles with a proximity heat seeking fuze. The line, when tensioned to its SWL will stretch to a certain percentage of its length. Wind direction should be known when working in the vicinity of stacks so that harmful gases are not inhaled. When tensioned to its SWL will stretch to a certain percentage of its length assign men certain! C. 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comnavsurfor esws instruction