Codices follow the same edition publication history as the . Dormant gland. Although unwavering in their faith in the Emperor of Mankind and His dream of human unity as embodied in the Imperium of Man, the Iron Hands also believe that human flesh is weak and easily corruptible, and strive to replace their organic bodies with more "pure" bionic substitutes, thus closely emulating the faith of the Adeptus Mechanicus' Cult of the Machine. Terminator Armour, Variants and Sub-Patterns. This also goes for having a Chapter aligned with any other xenos species or empire. This is a guide for those who wish to create their own Homebrew Space Marine Chapter. If a Carcharodon were to lose his grip on sanity, these traits would likely amplify with unpleasant results. What may have started as a symbolic honouring of the volcanic nature of Nocturne and the fire-breathing beasts that live amongst the basalt-formed mountains has evolved into a lethal specialisation. Note: Much of the text here has been copied from the RPG "Deathwatch: Rites of Battle" with some information from the affiliate Warhammer 40K Fanon Wiki under the Fair Use doctrine. All Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes were ordered to release a portion of their Veterans to provide the initial basis for this Founding, the greatest since the First Founding. Red helmets, for example, are reserved for Sergeants, whilst a white helmet or laurel design denotes Veteran status. There are plenty of Chapters that prefer to maintain their secrecy and isolate themselves from nearby populations. Some Trials are watched over closely by the servants of the Chapter, who judge the Aspirant every step of the way. Such worlds might have been reported by itinerant rogue traders, and earmarked centuries before as potential Space Marine home worlds. That is not to say that such issues may have crept in to an Ultramarines Successor's zygotes, however, possibly due to external factors such as damage caused by exposure to mutating environments, failed genetic manipulation or even xenos influence. The Black Templars, for example, excel at close combat at the expense of long-range capacity. The Warhammer 40k Eldar codex went to pre-order on February 26, 2022, and was up for sale the following week, on March 5. If you would like to expand upon the Grey Knights, you could write about a special detachment within the Chapter or something equally interesting. While some locate their Fortress-Monasteries in orbit, others prefer to reside amidst the very worst of the Death World's environs, honing their skills even beyond those of the already legendary abilities of the Adeptus Astartes. The gene-seed of the Ultramarines is highly regarded as one of the most stable, with no singular or notable physical mutation beyond the expected pattern, with full functionality of implanted organs to projected specifications, and only a ten percent chance of mutation. It is impossible for a modern era Chapter to build up large enough to split into two separate Chapters, as legion building is explicitly frowned upon by the leadership of the Imperium. Although the Adeptus Astartes are by definition the masters of every aspect of war, many Chapters come to favour one style of combat over others. Don't try to break three decades of background by creating your own "secret Primarch". Listed below is a table that shows the percentage of deficiency for each First Founding Chapter: Chapters drawn from the gene-stock of the Ultramarines are very unlikely to exhibit any deficiencies in their gene-seed, for their Progenitor's stock is amongst the purest in existence. A force consisting of both types is capable of delivering an entire battle company directly into the heart of an enemy position, a force which very few foes have any chance of countering. A stalwart battle-brother of the Imperial Fists Chapter. There was only ever one produced. It is a long and sometimes fatal process that must be done in the correct order. Subject: Homebrew MLP Codex (updated to v1.5) nicaetinismo. Not to mention, that in the 32nd Millennium, during the First Battle of the Fang, the Thousand Sons Primarch Magnus the Red destroyed the Space Wolves gene-labs within the Fang, and killed the only Wolf Priest who understood the secrets of the Canis Helix within his Chapter's gene-seed. One method is a vision, imposed by way of psychic intrusion by one of the Chapter's Librarians. When inventing the name for your new Chapter, the best source is the character of the Chapter itself. While all Space Marines have hatred of the enemies of Mankind, especially those which lurk among the stars preying on the worlds of the Imperium, the Novamarines have fostered a deep revulsion for xenos beyond even that of most of their kind. What exactly is a Space Marine Chapter? It is a religious madness that is often expressed with valor and fearlessness on the battlefield, but it can also turn the Battle-Brother against all creatures touched with the psykers gift, be they friend or foe. In other cases the Chapter may earn its name in the years following its founding, fighting battle after battle until an appropriate title presents itself. This is by far the most egregious of clichs utilised by writers to cover up gaping holes in their Chapter's background. They are driven by the need to atone for the sin of being mutants by fighting for the . Our Discord community is three years old, and . Both the White Scars and Raven Guard fall under this designation. The other type of planetary assault is the massed landing. The Ultramarines themselves follow the codex to the letter, and this is true of other Ultramarines Successors who strive to follow their example. Thus, any Chapter, from the First Founding from the Twenty-Sixth, can exhibit deficiencies in its gene-seed. The two event codices were released in association with the 2000 and 2003 Worldwide Campaigns. Also be sure to browse around this wiki, as there are already a lot of Chapters that have been created. Campaign & Death Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus, War Zone Charadon Act 2: The Book of Fire. Gene-seed tithing would be doubled for the next standard century to replenish the vaults. In fact, some of the warrior elite of the Realm of Ultramar are known to cast newborn infants into the wilderness in order to test their resilience. Where the Space Marine Legions had once served as the Imperium's primary frontline military forces, that role was given over to the newly created Imperial Guard, which had been created from the remains of the Imperial Army in the wake of the Heresy. Conversely, perhaps the Chapter's actions earned it the disapproval of some Imperial body. Some torments leave the Aspirant scarred for life, though the scars are proudly borne as evidence of his mental strength. The Space Marine Chapters were now intended to primarily serve as highly mobile planetary assault and special forces troops, who would be deployed only for the toughest missions confronting the Imperium for which the forces of the Imperial Guard were simply insufficient. When the Imperium goes to war, it does so with total conviction, for its leaders know that ultimately the very survival of Mankind is at stake. Others make a point of seeking out new societies to recruit from, ever vigilant for promising recruits. A 'Codex Chapter' which closely (if not completely) follows the doctrines of the Codex Astartes, is led by a Chapter Master and made up of ten companies, each consisting of up to one hundred Marines and commanded by an officer with the rank of Captain. Older variant symbols utilise an upside down delta (triangle) or an explosion symbol instead. The Codex Astartes teaches a balanced approach to war, and so any Chapter sired by the Ultramarines or their line is unlikely to pursue one form of combat doctrine at the expense of others, but there are a thousand Chapters and more, and no two are identical. The greatest weapon of any Space Marine Chapter is its This article, How to Create a Homebrew Space Marine Chapter, is part of WH40K Homebrew Wiki's "Guide" articles. The Ultramarines Chapter is at once the exemplar of everything a Space Marine aspires to, and the template by which he acts, fights and worships. Indeed, there have been a number of occasions where Dark Angels have withdrawn suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Inquisitor or missionary. A Chapter is a completely autonomous military unit made up of one thousand of the superhuman warriors known as Space Marines or Astartes and their related vehicles, starships and support personnel. As there were 20 existing Space Marine Legions, there would be no need for any such 'secret' Chapter. Effects partial memory transfer from consumed flesh/genetic material. There is no subtlety to such landings. The Lost Primarchs of the First Founding Space Marine Legions are the two Primarchs of the IInd and XIth Legions who, for unknown reasons, were deliberately expunged from all known Imperial records and archives before the onset of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. Veteran Sergeants typically wear both colours, incorporating a white stripe down the centre of their helm. Some Chapters have honed this ability to such a degree that the mere appearance of their vessels in system space is sufficient to bring about the enemy's total collapse. In a galaxy-spanning empire that harnesses the most powerful of technologies, the spear and the axe remain perhaps the most common weapon, for masses of worlds fall into this category, perhaps even more than any other type. Most Chapters strive to maintain a standing force of 1,000 Battle-Brothers, plus additional officers and specialists, but the tides of war and disaster rarely allow such a luxury. 'Codex' is now a term solely used for army books. 40k Galaxy Map with Homebrew Planets - DeviantArt For thousands of standard years, across thousands of worlds, they have continued to stalk the enemies of the Imperium as shadows of death, waiting for the perfect moment to deliver the killing blow before melting back into the darkness once more. This is largely because Chapters with such a set have been around for a long time or have something exceptional about them that sets them apart from the bulk of Chapters and calls for a set of unique rules. Whilst company colours are typically displayed on the trim of a Space Marines shoulder pauldrons, they can also be displayed on helmets, chest Aquilas, knee plates or even on the squad markings. Two glands, one in neck, one in chest. Others set aside their rivalry and work together until the end. The Imperium simply lands as much of its forces as possible in one concentrated mass, and moves immediately to enact a breakout so that enemy reserves cannot be brought to bear on the vulnerable landing point. From gruelling sieges lasting decades to the bitter one-on-one fighting of a cityfight, there is no expression of the art of war that Mankind has not experienced, or mastered. Whatever their state, the Successor Chapters of the Blood Angels are an honour to the pride and glory of their ancestors. The opposite of the Close Combat doctrine, Chapters focusing on ranged combat prefer to gun their opponents down with overwhelming firepower. On some worlds, such cults prove to be a cover for the worship of the Ruinous Powers of the warp, or are dominated by alien overlords. Perhaps because of his dedication, Dorn was devastated when the Emperor fell, and shouldered far more than his fair share of the blame. A Space Wolf will drink and make merry, for tomorrow, he may die. Only a very small number of Chapters can be described as truly unique, and even they share many qualities with plenty of other Chapters. Warhammer 40k Codex Though no Successors have ever been officially confirmed, there is no practical reason why one could not create their own Salamanders Successor Chapter of their own. Their homeworld is the volcanic Death World of Nocturne. Therefore, it would be impossible to have such a Chapter exist, ten millennia later, in the modern 41st Millennium. Those Chapters that call a Death World their home are likely to be experts in fighting in the particular type of terrain it features. An obvious example would be Spartiate Marines by Kadjah Thoris. The first among these, and a complete no-brainer as a release, is Codex: Ultramarines. The Blood Angels carry with them the twin genetic curses of Sanguinius. This section describes the many and varied trials that Aspirants are expected to overcome before being accepted into the ranks of a Chapter's Neophytes. Where human life exists in such an environment the peoples are often tough and resourceful, and ideal for recruitment into the Adeptus Astartes. Known and feared throughout the Imperium of Man for their highly mobile way of war, the White Scars are considered the masters of the lightning strike and hit-and-run attack and are particularly adapted to the use of the Astartes Assault Bike as their mechanical steeds and their forces contain an unusually large number of Bike Squads compared to other Chapters. A suppression might be launched against an alien civilisation that has threaten the Imperium's worlds or in order to forestall an anticipated invasion. Codex: Drop Troops is a fan-made work of passion, created by nearly 350 like-minded players and hobbyists from all over the world. For the newly initiated, Gue'vesa are those human who have thrown off the shackles of the Imperium of Man and willingly embraced the xenos philosphy of the Tau Empire's so-called "Greater Good" and have become their willing allies/subjects. Whilst enthralled by the Darkness, its victims cannot speak or communicate. Considering the circumstances of Rogal Dorn's eventual death, it is clear that the Imperial Fists have a drive for self-sacrifice that they must continually battle to overcome. The specifics of the cult develop over the millennia, so that two Chapters sired by the same Progenitor during the same Founding may, after several centuries, exhibit radically divergent religious practices. What is the predominant terrain type of the Chapters Plenty of worlds feature environments that are inimical to life, yet due to some natural resource or the world's strategic value, humans eke out an existence there nonetheless. Human life on such worlds is either brutal, basic and short, or relies on sealed enviro-systems to maintain a high enough temperature to live in. Grim Dark Narrator Bolter & Chainsword Forum. Many relate to the Chapter's home world or its Primarch, while others recall some great victory the memory of which drives the Battle-Brothers onwards into the fury of battle. Codex: Inquisition is a Codex for the 6th Edition of the Games Workshop table top game Warhammer 40,000. Established GW canon has already stated that the IInd and XIth Legions They are the God-Emperor's Angels of Death, and they know no fear. Codex Supplements have their parent faction noted in brackets. For this reason, a majority of Space Marines Chapters extant in the 41st Millennium are thought to be related to the Ultramarines, whether either is aware of it or not, and as such, inheritors of all that made the XIIIth Legion so great. In the event of an enemy threatening the world, the Space Marines are likely to assume the burden of its defence, but are less likely to interact with the population directly. For example, a missing company of Ultramarines would still be Ultramarines, therefore, once they managed to make contact with their Chapter home world of Macragge, they would most likely be reabsorbed back into the Chapter. The Battle- Brothers of some Chapters are focused and relentless in close combat, while others are frenzied and nigh uncontrollable. Others utilise large numbers of bike-mounted warriors, sometimes mounting entire Tactical squads on bikes and attack bikes. The two tables presented below provides some ideas for the various elements of the name should you need some inspiration. The Black Templars use similar methods but eschew the use of drugs or technology, instead requiring an Aspirant to fast or pray for days on end until a similar effect is achieved. but just as often it is tied to the essential nature of the Progenitor's Primarch, the stock from which they recruit or to some other, inexplicable factor. Space Marines, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard, Chaos, Xenos, daemons, planets, ships, weapons, anything related to warhammer40k. There are many ways in which a new Chapter might be granted its title. Such weighty secrets can come to press heavily on a Battle-Brother's soul: It is unknown whether the controlled savagery of the White Scars came originally from Jaghatai Khan, or from the wild and fierce people of Chogoris themselves, or even some combination of the two, but whatever the cause, there is a ferocity within their hearts and their blood that grants them great power, but which also threatens to consume all that they are and damn them. When fighting in defence, the Space Marines identify the point the enemy is most likely to assault, and hold it come what may. Writing it out! a homebrew WH40k Codex optimized for 3rd edition but portable to all editions My friend, let me tell of you of a time when giants walked the earth; not the fallen angels we see now, but true titans who cared for little save might and conquest. This section presents just a few possible Chapter cults, and having some idea of their nature and history is a great way to add depth to a Chapter's character. Listed below are the most common types of worlds from which a Chapter makes their home world. Gene-seed implants are organs that work with an aspirant's own body tissues, stimulating natural abilities such as muscle growth, or creating abilities that are wholly new. Like their founding Chapter, the Crimson Fists are more than willing to fight to the last, holding their ground with a siege-like mentality which will see them triumph or die in the attempt. Other Challenge Trials involve contests of strength, stamina, speed, skill or mental strength. There are hundreds--if not thousands--of ways in which a Chapter can test an Aspirant's inner strength. The first thing when writing about your Chapter is to determine why and when were they created? Those who fail may be lucky to even survive, for many trials take the form of ritual combat, the hunting of a great beast, or the performance of incredibly dangerous feats of strength and bravery. An ocean Hive-World might feature air-sealed hives at the bottom of the sea, or afloat on great man-made islands. Younger worlds where Mankind's dominion is not yet fully established, are often host to all manner of hostile lifeforms, including predatory beasts, carnivorous plants and virulent microbes. They still chant Catechisms of Hate as they go into battle, and they will still kill anyone or anything that opposes the will of the Emperor. The Dark Angels and their Successors (also known as The Unforgiven) have a shadowy past hidden by the weight of history and shrouded in the smoke and blood of the Horus Heresy itself.

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