Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents "sacred marriage" at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiralling staircase of time to experience unification with (or marry) all aspects of God. You may feel the need to take classes and further educate yourself on learning the how of it. Your thinking is now more non- linear. In this frame of conscious awareness many now access and create new types of Light based technologies, new community living, new systems of government and equitable food and resource distribution systems. The spirit-matter continuum is the essential theme of alchemy, where we see plurality spring forth from primordial unity, and the necessity of separation to create a higher order of union once more. . Here you will begin questioning everything not just yourself. Or are there ideologies instilled in you that need revisiting? All Posts ; Featured Posts ; 0 . The Merkabah (another name for our Lightbody) has been built and allows you to pass through space, time and dimensions complete in your totality. Remember, it is okay to change your views once you learn more about the world. This is a time of complete liberation and self-realization. Hieros Gamos is the sacrament that represents sacred marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as a part of spiritual ascension, moving through the spiraling staircase of time to experience unification with or marry all aspects of God. 8 Ascension Symptoms That Are Signs of Spiritual Awakening - Ask-Angels.com Thank you for your support!! The most important thing is to be authentic and stay true to yourself. 2. Once you are at your lowest you can begin to build back up in the right ways. It could be likened to the nine months of gestation in the womb prior to birth. You will want to eagerly share your gifts with others. The cerebrum the sleeping giant within the brain is activated. According to Ariel, the Lightbody is gradually created through the transmutation of our current physical body as it mutates and absorbs more Light. This can be a gradual process that happens over many lifetimes, or it can happen more rapidly through intense inner work and attunement with spirit. Your email address will not be published. Thought processes become non linear. Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie! Understanding Dimensions, Densities and Ascension Though fears may surface, they seem unreal and are easily put aside. Acute aversion to negative energy, people or environments. Youll see the world in a new light, and youll be able to let go of all the baggage thats been holding you back. The term spiritual Ascension means a magical awakening of your soul into a higher level of consciousness. I'm not saying you're becoming Jesus here. This means that your soul is running a cleanse. Now that you have found yourself and are going down the path this universe has laid out for you, servicing others will really become a calling in more ways than you might have thought. The ascension process is what you go through as you transition from being solely focused on the physical as a 3D limited physical being into full awareness of your spiritual nature, power and light.. As you progress through the levels of ascension, you reconnect with your open heart, gain a greater sense of purpose and awakening, and merge with your higher selves. Required fields are marked *. 5 Different Forms of Spiritual Ascension: Which Have You Experienced? Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. Change is rapid and many feel tired. Be patient with yourself and keep moving forward. You then continually feel connected and operate from your Christ level and your intention and motivation is always for the highest, although others, due to their own inner triggers and issues, may not always choose to see that. Is there more going on here than meets the eye? You may read books, attend workshops, or go on retreats. You also will begin to experience the spiritual awaking symptoms (i.e. You might not know where you are right now but the more you work within the closer to where you desire to be you will become. In this stage, you are unifying all layers, dimensions, and aspects of yourself. 5. Youre feeling a need to connect with your true purpose. For awhile you may slip between the 8th & 9th, from feeling complete at-one-ment to being a limited human being again, this settles down by the end of the 9th level. The 9th is where we begin to hook up to our. Pallor comes and goes. Everything is about to change. This is where the real work of spiritual ascension begins. When life force energy (commonly referred to as qi, prana, or kundalini energy) is awakened, major changes can occur on the physical through the spiritual levels. Seeking: Following the path. This is the phase where you notice your perception begins to change and you feel different. You can read about them here www.amazon.co.uk/Four-Fundamentals-Self-Healing-Self-Awakening-Self-Liberation/, You may experience short or prolonged bouts of debilitating exhaustion. Light Body Transformation During Ascension Spiritual Awakening Signs And Symptoms - Ascension Signs Further ascension is not possible. This is so far beyond physical. Dietary wise, you feel to eat less, more light, live food - many at this stage have ceased to eat meat, sugar and drink alcohol as they 'feel' the effects of these substances on the vibrational fields of the body. are instantaneous. An awakened mind helps a person do well in this lifetime. You live life with an open heart, and through your service you step forward to be a representative of the message you are teaching. Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads; Within Results. Theres room for us all at the top. (Doing the Unified chakra meditation will assist in the heart opening). You begin to ask questions and search for the answers which carries you into stage two, which is spiritual study. Spiritual Ascension Quotes. - you are one with Source consciousness and know all is possible. Currently, the 5 th Dimension is the goal for humanity to ascend to and is available for us all to move into while still inhabiting a physical body. You begin to understand where your negative emotions come from and what some of the triggers are. Why am I really here? Cease your struggles and rest in what is. Spiritual ascension is the awakening of the soul. When you reach your goal you will also realize that we are never done learning and we can always grow. This is also the phase where you develop your intuition with the spirit realm. 3D romantic relationships often focus on intimacy on a physical level only vs 5D intimacy which also includes the spiritual, energetic and soul level layers of intimacy. 6. You find your passion and begin implementing it in your life. s.src="//widgets.amung.us/classic.js"; Spiritual Ascension - An Evolutionary Soul Work - TheMindFool The process of ascension is intertwined with spiritual awakening. Click The Button Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! This process can be difficult, but its also incredibly liberating. This week, there is a focus on the meaning of spiritual evolution and ascension. All have received specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New World the Golden Age. This is done in such a way that maintains harmony within you and with, You wish to be purely of Service. When a person suddenly experiences something he cannot explain, the experience gives him a better understanding of life. Youll go to the next phase naturally and they cant always be hurried along. You share words from your heart and soul and others may feel disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have 'hooks' into you to link with. Ascension meaning is a natural universal advancement process. The 9th level sees a mass descension of the Lightbody into physical form. Initiation zero. You may feel very unclear with what is happening to you and its confusing and it can be uncomfortable. Enter Your Email Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! The process of evolution and ascension is like pushing sh*t uphill, and then . Twin Flame Ascension. The ascension process is an evolutionary process, which on a spiritual level, involves the raising and expansion of human consciousness. You need people especially those with opposing views to teach you things that you never thought you lacked. All have received specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New World - the 'Golden Age'. Once youve gone through the first four stages of this spiritual journey, youre finally ready to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. Welcome to ascension! 5D Ascension Symptoms | 31 Clear Signs You Are Ascending - The Spirit Nomad You cant quite pinpoint why, but your emotions are becoming more and more unstable. Posted by Padre on February 8, 2018 In this article, we will look at the idea of fifth dimension consciousness, the 5th-dimensional shift and how to ascend to the 5th dimension.So let's take a look at the 5th Dimension Ascension.Whenever we discuss levels of consciousness, we often simplify things to base . 4. The awakening of the human mind is the most evident of the five types. . We begin to be hooked into the languages of Light. Again you become much more aware of the vastness and multi-dimensionality of your nature, that you can be anything that you want to be, you cease to operate from obligation and relationships become transpersonal. 3. Your physical body may change, Your human Consciousness is fundamentally aligned with SOURCE Consciousness. You'll begin to notice others may be jealous of you however you'll have zero animosity, anger, or jealous thoughts concerning others. Just keep moving forward, and eventually, youll find your tribe. Here Spirit determines our income, our work, other beings in our lives, everything. You and your twin grow together to achieve your higher self. Wait, isnt spiritual ascension the same as spiritual awakening? This will create a much more highly evolved planet and a much more highly evolved human being. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Your body may change shape as the energy fields shift. Twelfth level the continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World systems hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into existence new governments, new financial and educational systems, better system of food and resource allocation etc. Telegram The more understanding you can bring to what is essentially a, Phase two is marked by what appear to be mild flu symptoms, as well as extreme tiredness and bouts of physical weakness. We feel more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with life. Feelings of detachment from the world are a common sign of spiritual ascension. ALL are stages of progression and reflect our changing perception. We tend to disconnect from consensus reality and our choices and reality seem unreal to others. You really do see others as they are your brothers and sisters and treat them as such. PHASE I: Spiritual Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding Ancient Text / Spiritual Teachings / Free Will Universe / Law of One / Ascension "Spirituality cannot be Defined but can be Described as a Journey to the Center of the Soul." In Phase 1, we seek to explore ancient spiritual texts, spiritual teachings, and concepts of thought leaders.

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